Friday, December 4, 2009

Mayor Fretti, VD TIMES, Radio Station: Is it Racially Motivated? Political Posturing or Playing the Race Card? George Responds......


TO: Valdosta Daily Times, Elected Officials, Editors, Local Citizens, Blogs, Internet, and Beyond

The Valdosta Daily Times published an article (October 23, 2009) on my presentation before the Valdosta City Council on October 22, 2009. My address concerned local elected officials being “IN THE COMPANY” and on radio stations wherein RADIO HOSTS often called members of our Armed Forces Executive Commander-In-Chief a CLOWN, and the word RACISTS was often used even though many of our military troops are (NOW) stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and at Moody Air Forces Base Georgia.

I said; to the Mayor and Council as I have said before Representative Jack Kingston at his Local Health Care Town Hall Meeting (See Video Link below) that we should respect all members of our ARMED FORCES along with their Executive Commander-In-Chief----Period!

Then on the MORNING of October 23, 2009, a local radio talk show hosts Scott James and his guest Valdosta City Mayor John Fretti talked about ME during their recap of the meeting---of which I recorded in its entirety.

Moreover neither the Valdosta Daily Times or Scott James gave me an opportunity to respond or defend myself; as was the case in both instances.

THEREFORE I AM PROVIDING THE ABOVE ATTACHMENT TO RESPOND, and show that LOCAL MEDIA including local television stations seems bent on keeping the general public deaf, dumb, and blind to INFORMATION dispersed during Public Meetings in the State of Georgia as well as in our local community.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
Former President of local NAACP
A concerned citizen and brother of (ALL) humanity

(By: George Boston Rhynes 1 November 2009)

As a result of my presentation at Valdosta City Council Meeting on October 22, 2009 the following is necessary to made straight what some have made CROOKED. The following items will be addressed:

1. The Times Article and my response.
2. The actual comments of Scott James, (Radio personality), and his questions to Valdosta City Major John Fretti. Along with the mayor comments.

3. My actual SCRIPTED address before Mayor and Council.
4. My response to Mayor John Fretti.
5. My response to Radio Personality Scott James.

[The Strike Force Continues against America’s 44th President]


1. VALDOSTA DAILY TIMES ARTICLE: Headlines “COUNCIL HEARS CONCERNS ABOUT OFFICIALS, At MEETING, CITIZEN (GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES) SAYS ELECTED OFFICIALS INSULTING PRESIDENT ON RADIO.” By: Johanna Pinhoster. “George Rhynes brought concerns from the community before the community before the Valdosta City Council Thursday night during their regular meeting. Rhynes said a local radio station has been receiving calls from the community concerning elected officials on another radio station and referred to the Executive Commander of the United States as a “Clown.” He did not say who the elected officials were or where they worked. Rhynes said it would behoove elected officials to be careful when they are in public, though the constitution of the United States does allow for criticism of the president

“It does not look good on our local community, he said. Rhynes also stated that he wrote a letter to the president concerning a cartoon that ran recently in the Valdosta Daily times. In the cartoon, a man depicted as President Obama stands in between two soldiers, one soldiers stated that he watches Fox News, the man in the middle tells the other soldier to “Shoot him.” Rhynes said the cartoon was not in good taste and all those depicted in the cartoon were Black. He went on to say that he knows the council has no control over the media. END.

MY RESPONSE TO VDT EDITOR: At NO time! I repeat at NO time during the Valdosta City Council Meeting did I say, “ELECTED OFFICIALS WERE INSULTING PRESIDENT ON RADIO.” [THIS SHOULD BE CORRECTED] My presentation was clear as crystal that our local GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS were repeatedly in the company of those where the word racists and other negative comments are routinely made against our Executive Commander-In-Chief of those whose lives are in harms way in Iraq, and Afghanistan and in other war torn areas around the world. I also stated that to disrespect the Executive Commander-In-Chief was a disgrace to all who served their country including airmen stationed here at Moody Air Force Base.

These members of our ARMED FORCES face death, place their life on the line, and took an oath and obligation to carry out the orders and complete the mission of their Executive-Commander-In-Chief. The stress upon our military personnel and their families cannot be measured. Therefore our local elected officials should not compound the problem by repeatedly being in company of those criticizing our soldiers Executive Commander-In-Chief on radio in an unpatriotic manner---in time of war.

Moreover it seems that Valdosta City School Superintendent William Cason have already done enough damage to our community by denying intercity school children the right to watch President Obama’s Speech on live television that was aired around the world. The end. LINKS ADDED BELOW:

Video: Crowd boos vet (George Boston Rhynes) for saying respect the president, our Active Duty Personnel, Dependent Children, Retired, and Military Veterans for their service.

Local Retired General Speaks Out Against Our Military Service Members “Executive Commander-In-Chief.”

2. Scott James Radio Comments and Questions Directed to Mayor John Fretti and the Mayors Comments: So, where can we begin? Mayor response: We can start with the agenda or we can start with the rant and rave. Radio Personality: We’ll go with George Rhynes. Ah, I guess, HE called me out during Citizens to be heard. George! I saw him down town the other day, and he looked like he wanted to talk. But I was on the cell phone and off---he went. MAYOR FRETTI RESPONSE: I confess, as soon as I heard the word “clown.” I got to tell you. I though of ONLY one particular radio well known, and well liked radio personality. But as for as elected officials, He never said. I don’t know if he has one or not. I think that is some of the political posturing that going on. Just to accuse one or two of saying something like that. Ah, may be it is “RACIALLY MOTIVATED?” (SEE LINKS BELOW)

Mayor Fretti Comments: I don’t know. But, ah, I don’t mind George pointing out names. I think out of respect if he has names. He didn’t say it then, and I expect that… But I don’t know if he really has one. It’s the season and my CYNICISM leads me to think that, that’s what happening. Because it is the election, but George comes up every meeting and always has something, and we always listen to him We always try to respond to him, if he asks for a response, and he usually has something to contribute almost every time.

Scott James: I have had better conversations with him (George Rhynes) in the hall outside council. Ah, WE had good conversation. I brought him on the air one time and I didn’t enjoy him. He, I don’t know, he was a little uncomfortable on the spot.

Mayor Response: Ah, he didn’t enjoy it?

Scott James Continues: No! I didn’t enjoy it. He (George) lightened up. So I was thinking gosh. If he (George) could have taken some of that hall discussion to the air, HE would have had something. But it turned entirely into something differently. But I don’t think it presented George----in a very good light that morning. And I didn’t think the people enjoyed the conversation. So I will continue my conversation with George----in the hallway. Mayor response: Right, right. THE END, LINKS ADDED.

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why are all these positions held by Whites in 2009 in our city school system? Why has the 1971 U.S. Justice Department Court Order and Consent Decree has NOT been complied with in 38 years?

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED]: Why are there only three Black Department Heads out of 23 in a city and county that is 52-55 percent Black? Why is the Superintendent Front Office Referred to as the “Little White House in our city?”,_ga,_yankee_love_it_or_leave_it,_valdosta_colonial_mall,_and_1,_100_displayed_pictures_in_5_department_stores

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why was 15 local citizens (Two White) arrested for asking that a committee be set in the process of renaming a local park during a public meeting in the State of Georgia?

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why would a White Professor from VSU agree with Black and White Right Citizens along with civil rights organizations? While local media use the opportunity to say in the Valdosta Daily Times that they are DESTROYING the Dream and Work of Rev. Martin L. King Jr. along with his legacy or something.

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] See a Video “A Fight for Your Soul”

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] See a Video “A Chorus of Fear Part I. and II”(Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia 1989-2009)
Part I:,
Part II:,


[RACIALLY MOTIVATED, AND CYNICISM MR. MAYOR IN 2007] Following the arrest of 15 citizens Valdosta NEWS MEDIA did not bother to interview any of the local citizens ARRESTED. Why Not? (Why was so many citizens ignored as if they were not even present OR a source of matter) Why?,_council_and_beyond!_(city_council_meeting,_may_5,_2005)

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] This is an ongoing problem n Valdosta and History will prove WHAT many already know!

[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why did Valdosta Elected Officials fight to keep the Old Outdated Valdosta 1860 City Charter displayed outside of Valdosta City Hall? How could they want those words to remain……? (1860 mentality).

3. MY WORDS TO VALDOSTA CITY MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SCRIPTED: (October 22, 2009). Please NOTE, that I said absolutely NOTHING about elected officials MAKING INSULTING COMMENTS towards the President of The United States. So who started this “UNTRUTH? And who should set the RECORD STRAIGHT?

Greetings! My name is George Boston Rhynes and I reside at (ADDRESS)…Valdosta, Georgia. Mr. Mayor and Council. I have been before you before, and I am here again. I just want to say, that I am on XXXX radio station, and WE take call in from citizens, and there are people in the community concerned about our elected officials being IN THE COMPANY and on radio stations wherein our Executive Commander-In-Chief is often referred to as a clown. While those military members of our Armed Forces have to carry out the orders from that man (President Obama).

I believe it would behoove us to be careful. When we are in the eyes of the public because criticizing our Executive Commander-In-Chief. Especially the ones who was elected by the people, (My cell phone rang), I apologize for having my phone on. That is not like me, and that’s not my nature. I respect this city and this body. I ask that you forgive me. NOW, as I was saying, we the people in Valdosta can continue to down the Executive Commander-In Chief, which is our right under our constitution.

However, when our government officials both city and county continue to sit in company wherein people use the word clown and racists, and just down, out right down, the Executive Commander-In-Chief, well, it just don’t look good on our city. And I know that you do not have any control over the media, and so we can dislike the president. As much as we like.

But I just wrote a letter to the president because a few days ago there was a cartoon (comic) in the Valdosta Daily Times. And I don’t want our elected officials to be associated with cartoons, rants, raves and letters to the editor. But the two cartoons published in the Times concerns me, because both soldiers was painted as Black and carrying the M-16 Combat Rifle. One of the Soldiers said; I watch “Fox News.” And the president was standing between the soldiers with his finger pointing towards the soldier that said he watched “Fox News.” But saying to the other Black soldier holding an M-16 Riffle “Shoot Him.” (See the Times)

I just don’t think this is in good taste. But here again. I am not just talking about the Valdosta Daily Times. Because you all have no control of that. But when we repeatedly see and hear our elected officials in the company with people who carry this on. Well, I just don’t believe it is in the best interest of our city.

So I am going to close, but I want it to be known that as A Retired Military Veteran. I take offense to that, and the reason is. Because I served twenty-years in the defense of this country against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Therefore it really hurts me to see this done----in these days and times.

Moreover considering the fact that those troops, squadron, base, and wing commanders probably already have a hard enough time keeping unity and morale up in their squadron. And so I don’t think this is in the best interest of our community. Then considering that we are the home of Moody Air Force. I just don’t think that is good for our community. I thank you very much! The end. LINKS ADDED BELOW:



4. MY RESPONSE TO MAYOR FRETTI: I don’t deal in political posturing, and I am not a politician. My presentation was direct and focused on our local ELECTED OFFICIALS respecting members of our armed forces, military veterans, their families, and Valdosta Intercity School Children rights to listen to their president speech on live television. The Mayor and Valdosta City Council Members never heard me say that any local ELECTED OFFICIAL insulted the President of the United States on Radio. The Valdosta Daily Times created this MONSTER, and our Mayor seem to have given him legs.

My point THEN and NOW, that our local ELECTED OFFICIALS being in the company of certain individuals tells us a great deal about those we ELECTED to public office to serve us. The transcript, minutes, my taped recording of the meeting does not lie; and is available for all. Moreover had the meeting been televised, available to all radio stations---as I asked the mayor and council in June 2009. But have yet to receive a VALID response. Then just maybe citizens could have been properly informed instead of being left DEAF, DUMB, and BLIND to what took place at this Public Meeting in the State of Georgia.

Local ELECTED OFFICIALS and COMMANDERS at Moody Air Force Base should be in the forefront on setting the example in respecting MEMBERS of our ARMED FORCES and their EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF.

Moreover considering that WE have AIRMEN stationed at Moody Air Force Base, and they are SUBJECT to being DEPLOYED into a war zone within 40 hours to perform SEARCH and RESCUE MISSIONS that could result in loss of life. But these military personnel-----WILL NOT be DEPLOYED as Democrats, Republican, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Black, White, Rich, or Poor—but as American Fighting Men and Women. And they will be required to give every ounce of BLOOD if necessary to follow and carry out the orders given by their EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF in order to complete their mission as thousands of US have previously done for the other 43 EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEFS.

Even before my presentation before the Council. I took my concerns to The Honorable Jack Kingston during his Town Hall Meeting (see video link above), and HE agreed with me. So I was only reemphasizing that our Executive Commander-In-Chief should be respected as the other 43 White Male Presidents. One can only wonder. Is the hatred or dislike of this president so deep that all members on the Valdosta City Council misunderstand such a VALID REQUEST to respect our service members, president, and our airmen at Moody Air Force Base Georgia?

Moreover, the council members that frequent the radio stations in question knows who they are, and this is their right under our constitution and form of government. However we must also respect the members of our Armed Forces EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF that sends them off into harms way including our local service men and women.

In addition, why would the Mayor say, “It may have been some political posturing that is going on?” “Just to accuse one or two of something like that….” “Ah, maybe it is RACIALLY MOTIVATED?” (These accusations the mayor has made are similar to those our local news media has consistently and repeatedly published against SCLC President Rev. Floyd Rose, NAACP, Brothers United, and Issues Concerning Us, (ICU) and other Black and White Right citizens that want to see Valdosta and Lowndes County inter into the 21st Century of Change and Inclusion as (TRUE) Metropolitan Metropolis.

Indeed there seem to be a continual effort by the few; to keep the general public deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on information from public meetings in Georgia. This is a perfect example of a continuation of the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 Mentality. Which was designed to: SUPPRESS, CONTROL, AND ABATE ALL CITIZENS…... (See link on request to remove this racially motivated Charter from City Hall in 2004 but not without a FIGHT FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS). The end. LINKS ADDED.




5. MY REPONSE TO SCOTT JAMES: I will speak with you anywhere and in the spirit of love, unity, and mutual respect because it is my NATURE to do so. Moreover; had I seen you when you claim. I would have most certainly NOT walked away. I have copies of our interview from years ago, and would be EXTREMELY happy to allow your listeners to enjoy the flavor of our discussion. They need to hear who the uncomfortable one was, and whose voice tone was in question. I played it years ago for my radio listeners and they enjoyed the dialogue between us. I though that was past history----but you can play the interview. While I sit in the hallway.

Mr. James, be it known; that I have always been OPEN and stood my grounds on several television and radio stations in the Atlanta Area recently. So don’t limit yourself to hallways when our world is forever expanding to accommodate all of us on the world stage. I can master a few points within the circle of life along with a few degrees of understanding from the Volumes of Sacred Law (Holy Bible, Qur’an, Torah, and other great books). I do to maintain my level of stability and longevity of wanting for my neighbor that which I want and have for myself and my own family.

Since March 1975, I have made freedom, justice, and equality my ultimate destination and the driving force that keep me listening to many radio programs every morning. So I can better serve my neighbor and though I may NOT always call into certain RADIO STATIONS. I am always striving to build a better form of government within the mind of every American Citizens when possible. Peace! Saint Luke 4; 18.

Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
Former President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch (NAACP)
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

I remain in supported of our president as long as HE works to unify our beloved nation as the Black and White Right Americans that preceded him. Even though many Americans would like to see the president and our nation fails. But I am 100% certain that in the END right will eventually win and history has a long record of this fact. God bless everybody, and HE knows our nation needs it. Peace!

LINK: ABC News 50 State Tour and on his way to the Oval Office:

Special Note from Willie, one of my 2800 readers that provided me the following. It was published in Macon, and circulated on the net.

“America’s quiet silent majority must wake up especially active duty, retired, military veterans, and all who follow the teachings of those who stood for the right and not the wrong. The insults (not only to the Office of the President) but to the President himself -- (and in my personal opinion - a matter of RACE), shows the depths to which some people will sink to, just to stay in power.

As our President noted in a recent speech, there are four (4) times as many lobbyists working in Washington trying to defeat -- Health Care Reform -- as there are Members of Congress.

Now we as a people must rise up as we did last November and defeat those who want to see the president and our beloved nation fail in the 21st Century. It is time for the old adage -- POWER TO THE PEOPLE. FIRED----UP ------READY TO GO!!!!! AND GONE… “

(Willie, and thanks) G.B.R.