August 4, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Editors, Concerned Citizens, and Organizations of America, & the Outside World!
SUBJECT: Freedom of the Press in South Georgia Metropolitan City!
Freedom of the press seems non-existent in Valdosta, Georgia in the 21st Century. Students and professors at Valdosta State University made this clear a few years ago in a two-hour documentary video entitled “A Chorus of Fear.” This video revealed how wide spread the infection of fear, alleged censorship, and the good OLE boy network is here---in Lowndes County Georgia.
It took thirty-five days for our only daily newspaper to release the name of John Henry Dejonghe, a 49- year- old White male inmate of Fort Myers, Florida, that died on 21 June 2004 while in the Lowndes County Jail. Seventy-three days have passed and the public still do not know the cause of his death. Local news media seems to be controlled both day and night. As a result citizens suffer for the lace of information. However, local organizations continue to add their omissions to their forever growing organizational archives.
No one knows when Freedom of the Press ceased to exist in our county. However, history records that in 1918, in Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia twelve Blacks were killed in one week. They were Will Head, Will Thompson, Haynes Turner, Eugene Rice, Simon Schuman, Three other unidentified Black men, Mary Turner, her 8th Month old fetus, Chime Riley, and Sidney Johnson were lynched, and some were burned to a crisp.
While the body of Sidney Johnson was un-sexed, then they threw the amputated parts into the street in front of the house, and then tied an end of a rope around Johnson’s neck. The other end was tied to an automobile and dragged in open daylight down Patterson Street here in Valdosta Georgia---as the crowd watched in glee.
After Eighty-six years the perpetrators of these crimes still have not been brought to justice. However, Blacks for generations have passed these real life tragedies on to their children----never to be forgotten. As long as they are discussed these dead will have peace in the hereafter! Even more sickening was the eighth month old Black Fetus that was cut from the abdomen of its mother---Mary Turner with a hog knife by a man of an organized mob. Then the Fetus’ head was crushed beneath his foot as the fetus fell to the ground giving out two weakling sounds---so wrote Lerone Bennett in the book “Before the Mayflower.” These twelve deaths do not include those Black victims our grandparents passed down to us by word of mouth in Brooks, Lowndes, and Thomas County. Yet, no one was brought before the Bar of Justice---for committing these crimes against Black African Americans.
It was only by Georgia Governor Hugh A. Dorsey’s quick action concerning the twelve victims, was Law and Order restored in South Georgia. The Governor was touched by cries of injustice in Brooks, and Lowndes County from Blacks that reached the Governor’s Office. More recently in Sept 1998, Willie James Williams died under suspicion and galvanized nearly 2,000 citizens and they marched on the Lowndes County Jail seeking justice. While our local newspapers and TV, outlets remained bias in their reporting.
On 15 April 2004, Vol. 17 No. 2. It was The Lake Park Post, a weekly newspaper that is highly respected by common citizens but hated by those who are unwilling to accept change. They reported the following inmates had died in or surrounding the Lowndes County Jail, Rosemary King, Ronzie “Sonny” Graham, Willie James Williams, Willie Lee Gay, Willard McFarland, and now John Henry Dejonghe to mention a few. Historically, local newspapers, and the media seldom if ever informs the public on real matters that is of major interest to the Black Community. The old 1860 mentality seems to remain in a cleverly disguised Good Ole Boy network.
However, when a city or group of Good Ole Boys, keep its citizen ignorant, controlled, and suppressed they cannot expect them to have hope, dignity, equality, justice, direction and self worth. Therefore, Valdosta should terminate her 1860 Mentality of suppress, and control. Then take her place beside other Metropolitan cities in the State of Georgia and the nation. Peace!
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
Cc: Closed
February 23, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Valdosta Mayor and Council
SUBJECT: Displaying the Valdosta City Charter of 1860, near the Hall of Justice in Valdosta Georgia!
As the Georgia State Flag issue will be revisited, voted upon, and hopefully---resolved in the upcoming election.
The Citizens of Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia, should be focused on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall---leading into the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards. Where one will discover a copy of a framed, Valdosta City Charter of 1860, displayed on the wall that was passed by the Georgia General Assembly of 1860, Valdosta (No. 108).
100: Section XI, “the Mayor and Council, they shall pass all proper and necessary laws and ordinances for the control of slaves and free persons of color in said town and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”
It is mind boggling as to why our elected officials have allowed this 1860, Charter to be displayed so close to the Valdosta Municipal Court Room—in the first place. Where American citizens must come in hope of receiving equal justice under the law in the State of Georgia---in the 21st Century.
This document does little to complement Georgia’s Justice System---here in Lowndes County. Especially for citizens whose ancestors were slaves and veterans today---who served and paid the ultimate price to keep America a free and democratic society.
While we cannot, nor should we try to hide the facts of history. It is of utmost importance that we remove even a stake from deceased remains---if within our heart of compassion to do so.
Therefore, as a moral and ethical gesture, the new Valdosta, City Charter should be on display, or the 1860 charter be removed and placed in a location away from the Hall of Justice in Valdosta---to the City Museum. The symbolism and insensitivity of displaying this 1860, City Charter is inappropriate at this period in Georgia, and American history.
As a retired United States Air Force Vietnam era veteran, I cannot understand why this document is displaced near the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom. Because too many Georgians suffered, bleed, and died to preserve the right to be respected as human beings and not as live stock, or second class citizens.
Therefore, it is my hope, and others prayer---that someone will do the right thing in the 21st Century. That the healing process may begin by being sensitive to others---for the overall good of our community, state, nation, and world. Peace!
This letter is addressed to you in an attempt to resolve this situation as soon as possible!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity!
Cc: Lake Park Post, Valdosta, Daily times, Valdosta, Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP, Peoples Tribunal, WCTV – Channel 6, WALB TV – Channel 10
February 28, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31601
Dear Editor/Message Boards & Internet Blogs
Recently on C-Span the question was asked---is Freedom of Speech being curtailed in America since President Bush took office?
After writing many opinion columns and being published in several newspapers across the country including U.S. Today---I say Yes!
For Example: Here in Valdosta, Georgia on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards. There is a copy of a framed Valdosta City Charter of 1860, displayed on the wall approved by the Georgia General Assembly of 1860. Valdosta (No. 108), which reads Par., 100, Section XI, “THE MAYOR, AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES, AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSE, OR OTHER STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES."
It seems that our local news media and elected officials see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this document in the 21st Century. Nevertheless, it offends people of conscious and has been discussed on Valdosta State University campus by students and professionals.
It was on 19 February 2004, when I noticed this charter and immediately wrote our Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV, Channel 6, WALB Channel 10, Valdosta-NAACP, other local news media outlets, and organizations.
However, no media coverage has been given to this issue. It appears that some would like to see this issue disappear like the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, who died under strange circumstances while in the custody of Law enforcement.
It appears that local citizens are not informed by the media when it comes to alleged gang activity, elections discrepancies at the polls---even after being informed in writing, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity.
Protests against war with Iraq, eleven incarcerated inmates requested help in the Lowndes County Jail and believed their Constitutional Rights were being denied an alleged incident involving a weapon at the jail was being swept under the rug.
However, after inmates concerns were presented to the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners on 26 Aug 2003, with news media present nothing was reported to the citizens of Lowndes County concerning their request. In addition, Lowndes County Commissioners have yet to respond to their requests for help!
In addition, Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center has only one black person in a management position, while all members of the work crews are black with no job benefits. Applicants and present employees complain of unfair hiring practices but little if any investigative reporting is done in Lowndes County!
Therefore, many citizens are (now), turning to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, and outside agencies for help to resolve the problems within this South Georgia Town.
Yes! It appears that Freedom of Speech in America and Georgia seems to be in jeopardy, at the expense of the people. Peace!
March 1, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31601
TO: Message Boards, and American Patriots of Free Speech!
Recently on C-Span the question was asked if our freedoms had been curtailed under the present administration.
After submitting many opinion columns, and being published in the Chicago Sun times, Albany Herald, Tallahassee Democrat, USA-Today and other papers. I believe our rights are fading---even here in Valdosta, where a framed copy of an 1860, City Charter is displayed near the Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards.
This charter reads (Par 100, Section XI), “The Mayor and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws or ordinances for the control of slaves, and free persons of color in said town and suppress, and abate all nuisances arising from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”
Apparently, our elected officials and local news media see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this charter. However, many people of conscious are very much offended and want it removed to the City Museum.
When I observed this document I wrote the Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV Channel 6, WALB TV Channel 10, Valdosta NAACP, Peoples Tribunal, and other local news media outlets.
As of 2 Mar 2004, nothing has been published by any Local News Media in South Georgia concerning this matter. Although, several web-sites have published it on the Internet with a copy of the 1860 City Charter.
This lack of local coverage is nothing new in this area: For example, the complete circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, and how eye witnesses of his arrest was never called as witnesses, eleven incarcerated inmates in the county jail requesting help from an outside agencies have been ignored by local media, and our County Commissioners since 26 Aug 03.
Moreover, an alleged incident at the jail involving a deputy and a weapon has been sweep under the rug----says eleven inmates, and that they often have problems filing complaints and getting them notarized.
In addition, candidates running for City Council was not equally represented at a news conference, valid election problems in the last City Mayoral and Council race went unreported in the news, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity, protests and marches against war with Iraq, local school allegedly being built on an unsafe land site.
Also, individual complaints are seldom reported from City and County monthly meetings--unless they are in groups or represented by an organization, hazardous railroad tracks in the black community, an International exhibit of African American History on Wheels were brought in by Valdosta State University---but never made front page coverage in our local paper newspaper, the Valdosta Lowndes County Conference Center has only one Black employee in a management position, while 100% of work-crews are black---with no job benefits, applicants and people on staff speaks of unfair hiring practices. However, there is little if any investigative reporting to try to rectify these community problems.
Therefore, many citizens have turned to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, congress, senate, and other means to ensure local citizens are informed. Therefore, it appears that local citizens have no alternative but to begin a newsletter in this South Georgia Town.
Yes! Freedom of Speech seems to have been curtailed in America at the expense of the American people. Peace!
March 11, 2004
George B. Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Valdosta City Council & Mayor
SUBJECT: LETTER Received From Mayor and Council (Responding to my letter)
Thank you for your response to my letter requesting that the 1860 City of Valdosta charter be retired to a location away from the Municipal Courtroom. Away from where all citizens come in the hope of receiving equal justice under the law, and be respected as a full American Citizens under the Law in the State of Georgia----in the 21st Century.
In your letter par 1, you said that the 1860 charter allowed for the creation of our city, as it was developed by the state officials, and our local forefathers---of that time.
Mr. Mayor and Council:
a. Webster’s-Dictionary third edition defines {forefathers} as a male ancestor. What ancestor male or female---would want to control, suppress, enslave, and abate a fellow human being…
b. Webster defines “ABATE” as beat down, reduce, moderate, diminish, and lessen. In addition, in Section XI, of this 1860 Charter, we find the word Nuisances. Webster defines this word as annoying or obnoxious person or thing.
Which brings us back to: Section XI of the Charter: QUOTE! “The Mayor, and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws, and ordinances for the control of SLAVES, and FREE PERSONS OF COLOR, in said town (Valdosta), and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town (Valdosta), or from other causes.”
You agreed with me that we should not hide the facts of history or deny that which has come before us. Moreover, that the same logic should be applied to the items displayed in City Hall for over 20 years. Also that the 1860 charter is the City’s first Charter, remains a permanent record both in Valdosta, as well as in the “State Records Archives,” and cannot be ignored.
Twenty years Mr. Mayor and Council---is not a long period of time----to want for your neighbor, that which you want and have for yourself---and your children.
It is recorded in the Library of Congress---that some of our ancestors first came to these shores aboard a slave ship called Jesus. It was captained by one Sir John Hawkins, in the year of 1555 that’s 449 years ago. According to American History, they were treated worst than live stock, called 3/5th of a human being. As the charter stipulates, they were controlled, chained, suppressed, and totally humiliated before the world. If this 1860 charter were addressing my “Jewish brothers and sisters”, there would be no ripples in the water!
Mr. Mayor and Council----Speaking of Archives: In the Black Archives, at FAMU, and many other institutions, museums, and libraries, around the world. There are millions of artifacts, pictures of pain, of strange fruits---that trees did not bare. We do not want them displayed along these walls---to inflict pain and shame on another human being.
We are called to the Moral High Ground of love, justice, and equality for all of Gods Children. Whether it is today, tomorrow or the next century, this issue will be resolved by men, and women of conscious, love, compassion, and understanding.
Our world is moving towards the union of the one God, for the one universal people. Therefore, I take my seat by saying, “LUKE 4:18,” should be read and fully understood!
You see when truth comes, insensitivity, injustice, separation and falsehood must vanish. Because falsehood is forever a vanishing thing!
When I look at my Retirement Certificate, after placing my live on the line for over 20 years. Then look up at this 1860, document that tells all Black People---that they are still 2nd class citizens, and referred to in the same paragraph as---dogs, hogs, horses, and beasts of the field.
However, our God has instructed us---to treat our neighbors, as we ourselves want to be treated! These words probably will not change your conscious. Nevertheless, there is a plumb line of justice, by which we must all---align ourselves up beside! To prepare for the last Council Meeting!
George B. Rhynes
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Women Needed On Valdosta City Council "Men have HAD their chance and failed".
July 1, 2009
George Boson Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Editors, Citizens, Internet, and Http://
And Beyond
This is an open letter to all qualified women in Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. On Wednesday August 29, 2007, the Valdosta Daily Times published my Letter to the Editor with headlines “I would like to see a woman on the Valdosta City Council.”
However today, I would like to see at least three (3), women on the Valdosta City Council since our present city council members have ignored several questions put before them on several major issues. Men have dominated our council for decades with little change in many areas of our community.
Therefore, I believe we need women to step forth and serve and to vigorously address the real concerns in our beloved community without wavering or buckling under certain pressure that be.
There is absolutely no valid reason why women cannot be elected to the Valdosta City Council in our Metropolitan Metropolis in the next election. We are the home of Moody Air Force Base Retired Men and Women, Valdosta State University, Kinderlou Golf Course, retired educators from various schools, Wild Adventure, ordained female pastors, attorneys, doctors, and ministers from all religious faiths, etc.
Therefore Valdosta is overdue for not just one but several qualified women to serve in the capacity of Valdosta City Councilwomen, and most importantly as Mayor of our beautiful city. I believe few will disagree that we need a female touch of class, input, sense of direction, and true professionalism on our city governing body.
So ladies if you please, do me a favor and step forward for the benefit of our daughters, sons and for the greater good of both Valdosta and Lowndes County. And don’t allow another Valdosta City Election to pass without your fare share of women candidates on the Valdosta City Ballot to represent your interests.
If you run, we’ll vote you in. So don’t keep looking for change, but be the change we all need.
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
Valdosta, Georgia
Site to keep the general public aware of their local governments, and thank God for Community Free Speech TV, and Internet Web Sites…
Two heads may be better than one but never forget which one belongs to you. {GBR}
George Boson Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Editors, Citizens, Internet, and Http://
And Beyond
This is an open letter to all qualified women in Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. On Wednesday August 29, 2007, the Valdosta Daily Times published my Letter to the Editor with headlines “I would like to see a woman on the Valdosta City Council.”
However today, I would like to see at least three (3), women on the Valdosta City Council since our present city council members have ignored several questions put before them on several major issues. Men have dominated our council for decades with little change in many areas of our community.
Therefore, I believe we need women to step forth and serve and to vigorously address the real concerns in our beloved community without wavering or buckling under certain pressure that be.
There is absolutely no valid reason why women cannot be elected to the Valdosta City Council in our Metropolitan Metropolis in the next election. We are the home of Moody Air Force Base Retired Men and Women, Valdosta State University, Kinderlou Golf Course, retired educators from various schools, Wild Adventure, ordained female pastors, attorneys, doctors, and ministers from all religious faiths, etc.
Therefore Valdosta is overdue for not just one but several qualified women to serve in the capacity of Valdosta City Councilwomen, and most importantly as Mayor of our beautiful city. I believe few will disagree that we need a female touch of class, input, sense of direction, and true professionalism on our city governing body.
So ladies if you please, do me a favor and step forward for the benefit of our daughters, sons and for the greater good of both Valdosta and Lowndes County. And don’t allow another Valdosta City Election to pass without your fare share of women candidates on the Valdosta City Ballot to represent your interests.
If you run, we’ll vote you in. So don’t keep looking for change, but be the change we all need.
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
Valdosta, Georgia
Site to keep the general public aware of their local governments, and thank God for Community Free Speech TV, and Internet Web Sites…
Two heads may be better than one but never forget which one belongs to you. {GBR}
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