TO: Valdosta Daily Times, Elected Officials, Editors, Local Citizens, Blogs, Internet, and Beyond
The Valdosta Daily Times published an article (October 23, 2009) on my presentation before the Valdosta City Council on October 22, 2009. My address concerned local elected officials being “IN THE COMPANY” and on radio stations wherein RADIO HOSTS often called members of our Armed Forces Executive Commander-In-Chief a CLOWN, and the word RACISTS was often used even though many of our military troops are (NOW) stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and at Moody Air Forces Base Georgia.
I said; to the Mayor and Council as I have said before Representative Jack Kingston at his Local Health Care Town Hall Meeting (See Video Link below) that we should respect all members of our ARMED FORCES along with their Executive Commander-In-Chief----Period!
Then on the MORNING of October 23, 2009, a local radio talk show hosts Scott James and his guest Valdosta City Mayor John Fretti talked about ME during their recap of the meeting---of which I recorded in its entirety.
Moreover neither the Valdosta Daily Times or Scott James gave me an opportunity to respond or defend myself; as was the case in both instances.
THEREFORE I AM PROVIDING THE ABOVE ATTACHMENT TO RESPOND, and show that LOCAL MEDIA including local television stations seems bent on keeping the general public deaf, dumb, and blind to INFORMATION dispersed during Public Meetings in the State of Georgia as well as in our local community.
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
Former President of local NAACP
A concerned citizen and brother of (ALL) humanity
(By: George Boston Rhynes 1 November 2009)
As a result of my presentation at Valdosta City Council Meeting on October 22, 2009 the following is necessary to made straight what some have made CROOKED. The following items will be addressed:
1. The Times Article and my response.
2. The actual comments of Scott James, (Radio personality), and his questions to Valdosta City Major John Fretti. Along with the mayor comments.
3. My actual SCRIPTED address before Mayor and Council.
4. My response to Mayor John Fretti.
5. My response to Radio Personality Scott James.
[The Strike Force Continues against America’s 44th President]
1. VALDOSTA DAILY TIMES ARTICLE: Headlines “COUNCIL HEARS CONCERNS ABOUT OFFICIALS, At MEETING, CITIZEN (GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES) SAYS ELECTED OFFICIALS INSULTING PRESIDENT ON RADIO.” By: Johanna Pinhoster. “George Rhynes brought concerns from the community before the community before the Valdosta City Council Thursday night during their regular meeting. Rhynes said a local radio station has been receiving calls from the community concerning elected officials on another radio station and referred to the Executive Commander of the United States as a “Clown.” He did not say who the elected officials were or where they worked. Rhynes said it would behoove elected officials to be careful when they are in public, though the constitution of the United States does allow for criticism of the president
“It does not look good on our local community, he said. Rhynes also stated that he wrote a letter to the president concerning a cartoon that ran recently in the Valdosta Daily times. In the cartoon, a man depicted as President Obama stands in between two soldiers, one soldiers stated that he watches Fox News, the man in the middle tells the other soldier to “Shoot him.” Rhynes said the cartoon was not in good taste and all those depicted in the cartoon were Black. He went on to say that he knows the council has no control over the media. END.
MY RESPONSE TO VDT EDITOR: At NO time! I repeat at NO time during the Valdosta City Council Meeting did I say, “ELECTED OFFICIALS WERE INSULTING PRESIDENT ON RADIO.” [THIS SHOULD BE CORRECTED] My presentation was clear as crystal that our local GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS were repeatedly in the company of those where the word racists and other negative comments are routinely made against our Executive Commander-In-Chief of those whose lives are in harms way in Iraq, and Afghanistan and in other war torn areas around the world. I also stated that to disrespect the Executive Commander-In-Chief was a disgrace to all who served their country including airmen stationed here at Moody Air Force Base.
These members of our ARMED FORCES face death, place their life on the line, and took an oath and obligation to carry out the orders and complete the mission of their Executive-Commander-In-Chief. The stress upon our military personnel and their families cannot be measured. Therefore our local elected officials should not compound the problem by repeatedly being in company of those criticizing our soldiers Executive Commander-In-Chief on radio in an unpatriotic manner---in time of war.
Moreover it seems that Valdosta City School Superintendent William Cason have already done enough damage to our community by denying intercity school children the right to watch President Obama’s Speech on live television that was aired around the world. The end. LINKS ADDED BELOW:
Video: Crowd boos vet (George Boston Rhynes) for saying respect the president, our Active Duty Personnel, Dependent Children, Retired, and Military Veterans for their service.
Local Retired General Speaks Out Against Our Military Service Members “Executive Commander-In-Chief.”
2. Scott James Radio Comments and Questions Directed to Mayor John Fretti and the Mayors Comments: So, where can we begin? Mayor response: We can start with the agenda or we can start with the rant and rave. Radio Personality: We’ll go with George Rhynes. Ah, I guess, HE called me out during Citizens to be heard. George! I saw him down town the other day, and he looked like he wanted to talk. But I was on the cell phone and off---he went. MAYOR FRETTI RESPONSE: I confess, as soon as I heard the word “clown.” I got to tell you. I though of ONLY one particular radio well known, and well liked radio personality. But as for as elected officials, He never said. I don’t know if he has one or not. I think that is some of the political posturing that going on. Just to accuse one or two of saying something like that. Ah, may be it is “RACIALLY MOTIVATED?” (SEE LINKS BELOW)
Mayor Fretti Comments: I don’t know. But, ah, I don’t mind George pointing out names. I think out of respect if he has names. He didn’t say it then, and I expect that… But I don’t know if he really has one. It’s the season and my CYNICISM leads me to think that, that’s what happening. Because it is the election, but George comes up every meeting and always has something, and we always listen to him We always try to respond to him, if he asks for a response, and he usually has something to contribute almost every time.
Scott James: I have had better conversations with him (George Rhynes) in the hall outside council. Ah, WE had good conversation. I brought him on the air one time and I didn’t enjoy him. He, I don’t know, he was a little uncomfortable on the spot.
Mayor Response: Ah, he didn’t enjoy it?
Scott James Continues: No! I didn’t enjoy it. He (George) lightened up. So I was thinking gosh. If he (George) could have taken some of that hall discussion to the air, HE would have had something. But it turned entirely into something differently. But I don’t think it presented George----in a very good light that morning. And I didn’t think the people enjoyed the conversation. So I will continue my conversation with George----in the hallway. Mayor response: Right, right. THE END, LINKS ADDED.
[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why are all these positions held by Whites in 2009 in our city school system? Why has the 1971 U.S. Justice Department Court Order and Consent Decree has NOT been complied with in 38 years?
[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED]: Why are there only three Black Department Heads out of 23 in a city and county that is 52-55 percent Black? Why is the Superintendent Front Office Referred to as the “Little White House in our city?”,_ga,_yankee_love_it_or_leave_it,_valdosta_colonial_mall,_and_1,_100_displayed_pictures_in_5_department_stores
[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why was 15 local citizens (Two White) arrested for asking that a committee be set in the process of renaming a local park during a public meeting in the State of Georgia?
[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why would a White Professor from VSU agree with Black and White Right Citizens along with civil rights organizations? While local media use the opportunity to say in the Valdosta Daily Times that they are DESTROYING the Dream and Work of Rev. Martin L. King Jr. along with his legacy or something.
[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] See a Video “A Fight for Your Soul”
[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] See a Video “A Chorus of Fear Part I. and II”(Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia 1989-2009)
Part I:,
Part II:,
[RACIALLY MOTIVATED, AND CYNICISM MR. MAYOR IN 2007] Following the arrest of 15 citizens Valdosta NEWS MEDIA did not bother to interview any of the local citizens ARRESTED. Why Not? (Why was so many citizens ignored as if they were not even present OR a source of matter) Why?,_council_and_beyond!_(city_council_meeting,_may_5,_2005)
[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] This is an ongoing problem n Valdosta and History will prove WHAT many already know!
[SPEAKING OF RACIALLY MOTIVATED] Why did Valdosta Elected Officials fight to keep the Old Outdated Valdosta 1860 City Charter displayed outside of Valdosta City Hall? How could they want those words to remain……? (1860 mentality).
3. MY WORDS TO VALDOSTA CITY MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SCRIPTED: (October 22, 2009). Please NOTE, that I said absolutely NOTHING about elected officials MAKING INSULTING COMMENTS towards the President of The United States. So who started this “UNTRUTH? And who should set the RECORD STRAIGHT?
Greetings! My name is George Boston Rhynes and I reside at (ADDRESS)…Valdosta, Georgia. Mr. Mayor and Council. I have been before you before, and I am here again. I just want to say, that I am on XXXX radio station, and WE take call in from citizens, and there are people in the community concerned about our elected officials being IN THE COMPANY and on radio stations wherein our Executive Commander-In-Chief is often referred to as a clown. While those military members of our Armed Forces have to carry out the orders from that man (President Obama).
I believe it would behoove us to be careful. When we are in the eyes of the public because criticizing our Executive Commander-In-Chief. Especially the ones who was elected by the people, (My cell phone rang), I apologize for having my phone on. That is not like me, and that’s not my nature. I respect this city and this body. I ask that you forgive me. NOW, as I was saying, we the people in Valdosta can continue to down the Executive Commander-In Chief, which is our right under our constitution.
However, when our government officials both city and county continue to sit in company wherein people use the word clown and racists, and just down, out right down, the Executive Commander-In-Chief, well, it just don’t look good on our city. And I know that you do not have any control over the media, and so we can dislike the president. As much as we like.
But I just wrote a letter to the president because a few days ago there was a cartoon (comic) in the Valdosta Daily Times. And I don’t want our elected officials to be associated with cartoons, rants, raves and letters to the editor. But the two cartoons published in the Times concerns me, because both soldiers was painted as Black and carrying the M-16 Combat Rifle. One of the Soldiers said; I watch “Fox News.” And the president was standing between the soldiers with his finger pointing towards the soldier that said he watched “Fox News.” But saying to the other Black soldier holding an M-16 Riffle “Shoot Him.” (See the Times)
I just don’t think this is in good taste. But here again. I am not just talking about the Valdosta Daily Times. Because you all have no control of that. But when we repeatedly see and hear our elected officials in the company with people who carry this on. Well, I just don’t believe it is in the best interest of our city.
So I am going to close, but I want it to be known that as A Retired Military Veteran. I take offense to that, and the reason is. Because I served twenty-years in the defense of this country against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Therefore it really hurts me to see this done----in these days and times.
Moreover considering the fact that those troops, squadron, base, and wing commanders probably already have a hard enough time keeping unity and morale up in their squadron. And so I don’t think this is in the best interest of our community. Then considering that we are the home of Moody Air Force. I just don’t think that is good for our community. I thank you very much! The end. LINKS ADDED BELOW:
4. MY RESPONSE TO MAYOR FRETTI: I don’t deal in political posturing, and I am not a politician. My presentation was direct and focused on our local ELECTED OFFICIALS respecting members of our armed forces, military veterans, their families, and Valdosta Intercity School Children rights to listen to their president speech on live television. The Mayor and Valdosta City Council Members never heard me say that any local ELECTED OFFICIAL insulted the President of the United States on Radio. The Valdosta Daily Times created this MONSTER, and our Mayor seem to have given him legs.
My point THEN and NOW, that our local ELECTED OFFICIALS being in the company of certain individuals tells us a great deal about those we ELECTED to public office to serve us. The transcript, minutes, my taped recording of the meeting does not lie; and is available for all. Moreover had the meeting been televised, available to all radio stations---as I asked the mayor and council in June 2009. But have yet to receive a VALID response. Then just maybe citizens could have been properly informed instead of being left DEAF, DUMB, and BLIND to what took place at this Public Meeting in the State of Georgia.
Local ELECTED OFFICIALS and COMMANDERS at Moody Air Force Base should be in the forefront on setting the example in respecting MEMBERS of our ARMED FORCES and their EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF.
Moreover considering that WE have AIRMEN stationed at Moody Air Force Base, and they are SUBJECT to being DEPLOYED into a war zone within 40 hours to perform SEARCH and RESCUE MISSIONS that could result in loss of life. But these military personnel-----WILL NOT be DEPLOYED as Democrats, Republican, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Black, White, Rich, or Poor—but as American Fighting Men and Women. And they will be required to give every ounce of BLOOD if necessary to follow and carry out the orders given by their EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF in order to complete their mission as thousands of US have previously done for the other 43 EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEFS.
Even before my presentation before the Council. I took my concerns to The Honorable Jack Kingston during his Town Hall Meeting (see video link above), and HE agreed with me. So I was only reemphasizing that our Executive Commander-In-Chief should be respected as the other 43 White Male Presidents. One can only wonder. Is the hatred or dislike of this president so deep that all members on the Valdosta City Council misunderstand such a VALID REQUEST to respect our service members, president, and our airmen at Moody Air Force Base Georgia?
Moreover, the council members that frequent the radio stations in question knows who they are, and this is their right under our constitution and form of government. However we must also respect the members of our Armed Forces EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF that sends them off into harms way including our local service men and women.
In addition, why would the Mayor say, “It may have been some political posturing that is going on?” “Just to accuse one or two of something like that….” “Ah, maybe it is RACIALLY MOTIVATED?” (These accusations the mayor has made are similar to those our local news media has consistently and repeatedly published against SCLC President Rev. Floyd Rose, NAACP, Brothers United, and Issues Concerning Us, (ICU) and other Black and White Right citizens that want to see Valdosta and Lowndes County inter into the 21st Century of Change and Inclusion as (TRUE) Metropolitan Metropolis.
Indeed there seem to be a continual effort by the few; to keep the general public deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on information from public meetings in Georgia. This is a perfect example of a continuation of the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 Mentality. Which was designed to: SUPPRESS, CONTROL, AND ABATE ALL CITIZENS…... (See link on request to remove this racially motivated Charter from City Hall in 2004 but not without a FIGHT FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS). The end. LINKS ADDED.
5. MY REPONSE TO SCOTT JAMES: I will speak with you anywhere and in the spirit of love, unity, and mutual respect because it is my NATURE to do so. Moreover; had I seen you when you claim. I would have most certainly NOT walked away. I have copies of our interview from years ago, and would be EXTREMELY happy to allow your listeners to enjoy the flavor of our discussion. They need to hear who the uncomfortable one was, and whose voice tone was in question. I played it years ago for my radio listeners and they enjoyed the dialogue between us. I though that was past history----but you can play the interview. While I sit in the hallway.
Mr. James, be it known; that I have always been OPEN and stood my grounds on several television and radio stations in the Atlanta Area recently. So don’t limit yourself to hallways when our world is forever expanding to accommodate all of us on the world stage. I can master a few points within the circle of life along with a few degrees of understanding from the Volumes of Sacred Law (Holy Bible, Qur’an, Torah, and other great books). I do to maintain my level of stability and longevity of wanting for my neighbor that which I want and have for myself and my own family.
Since March 1975, I have made freedom, justice, and equality my ultimate destination and the driving force that keep me listening to many radio programs every morning. So I can better serve my neighbor and though I may NOT always call into certain RADIO STATIONS. I am always striving to build a better form of government within the mind of every American Citizens when possible. Peace! Saint Luke 4; 18.
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
Former President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Branch (NAACP)
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
I remain in supported of our president as long as HE works to unify our beloved nation as the Black and White Right Americans that preceded him. Even though many Americans would like to see the president and our nation fails. But I am 100% certain that in the END right will eventually win and history has a long record of this fact. God bless everybody, and HE knows our nation needs it. Peace!
LINK: ABC News 50 State Tour and on his way to the Oval Office:
Special Note from Willie, one of my 2800 readers that provided me the following. It was published in Macon, and circulated on the net.
“America’s quiet silent majority must wake up especially active duty, retired, military veterans, and all who follow the teachings of those who stood for the right and not the wrong. The insults (not only to the Office of the President) but to the President himself -- (and in my personal opinion - a matter of RACE), shows the depths to which some people will sink to, just to stay in power.
As our President noted in a recent speech, there are four (4) times as many lobbyists working in Washington trying to defeat -- Health Care Reform -- as there are Members of Congress.
Now we as a people must rise up as we did last November and defeat those who want to see the president and our beloved nation fail in the 21st Century. It is time for the old adage -- POWER TO THE PEOPLE. FIRED----UP ------READY TO GO!!!!! AND GONE… “
(Willie, and thanks) G.B.R.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 People Information....
George Rhynes (229-xxx) 2 December 2003
Valdosta, Georgia
Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center
Mr. Marty Brown, Executive Director
Ms Beverly S. Pitzing, Director of Operations
Mr. Le McKile, Director of Sales
1 Meeting Place
Valdosta, Georgia 31601
Dear Mr. Marty Brown
On 1 December 2003, I asked the desk clerk to speak with the Conference Center Director. She called the Director, and I was told to take a seat and wait. After 37 minutes of waiting, the director never came. This letter addresses my concerns:
I received your letter dated 1 October 2003, informing me that you had selected another candidate for Operations Assistant for the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center.
Thank you for notifying me that even-though I was not selected for the position that my application will be kept on file for 6 months. In addition, that I will be considered for other positions that may open during that time. However, I have submitted several applications for employment to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center before. In addition, I have never been called in for additional information or an interview.
It is becoming more apparent from others within Lowndes County---that there is something grossly wrong in the hiring process of minority employees at Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center. I am a retired veteran and feel obligated to question the hiring practices in this facility.
Therefore, I am requesting the following questions be answered in writing to ease my mind along with others who have applied for positions of employment at the center. If you are unable to answer these questions because of policies, procedures, local, or state law----please include this in your letter within 10 days. In addition, please answer each question. Thanks!
a. Was my job application and resume considered equally as all others received for this position?
b. How many jobs were available?
c. How many applications were submitted for the position of Operations Assistant?
d. What was the percentage of applicants interviewed?
e. Who reviews applications, resumes, and interviewed applicants for this position?
f. Was the selected applicant from the local area or outside of Lowndes County?
g. Was the individual selected, already on staff within the Conference Center? If so was it necessary to seek applications to fill this position? What made the selected applicant more qualified, physically, educationally, experience and skills, over my qualifications?
h. Does the State of Georgia or EEOC, requires that jobs be posted to the general-public, when someone has already been pre-selected?
i. What directive gives procedures on proper listing of jobs to the public in a fair and proper manner in Lowndes County, and the State of Georgia?
j. Was the selection process in filling the position of Lowndes County Conference Center Operations Assistant followed fairly, and correctly? Was the information received on job application, resume, and interview the major reason for selecting the applicant hired?
k. Are you sure that the best-qualified person for this position was selected based upon the information received into your office to fill this position?
l. Can you provide the necessary documentation to support your decision to hire the applicant above the other applicants?
m. What criteria was used to qualify an applicant for a second interview?
n. Has any employee ever been hired at the center because of favoritism, relative, or city employee in positions of authority---instead of the process used to fill this vacancy?
I believe that if you were a minority seeking gainful employment in this area----you would also want the above questions answered. In addition, I thank you in advance!
Applicant, (Retired Veteran, U.S. Air Force)
cc: Valdosta City Council/Mayor
Lowndes County Board of Commissioners
Valdosta Chamber of Commerce
Valdosta - Lowndes County Branch/NAACP (President)
George B. Rhynes (229-xxx-xxx) 25 January 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
The New South may not be so new after all! Here in Valdosta, Georgia approximately 240 miles south of Atlanta, Rev. Floyd Rose, President of the People’s Tribunal a local Civil Rights organization addressed the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority on behalf of concerned citizens on 20 Jan 2004:
“Of the more than thirty (30) employees only one full time positions is held by an African American all other blacks compose the “Clean-up,” crew. None of them have health or retirement benefits---this is unacceptable to all people of good will,”
The attorney for the authority stated that, “they are following the law, and cannot discriminate against anyone. Moreover, that they will continue hiring the best qualified, and experienced applicants.”
Rev. Rose’s main objective seemed to be one of diversity, and fairness. “We are not asking you to terminate or remove Whites who are currently employed to make room for Blacks. However, we are suggesting that as vacancies appear they be filled with qualified blacks until such time they reflect the racial make-up of your clientele.”
The Center reemphasized its position that they were following the law and could not discriminate against anyone.
Rev. Rose said, “Our concerns are both morale and legitimate. We are prepared to (1), conduct public demonstrations (informational picketing), (2) pursue legal actions, and (3), lead a boycott, until African American are equally respected at every level of your employ.”
As an applicant I reminded the Board that Blacks were well qualified a few decades ago, to use the restaurants, bathrooms, motels, and other public facilities but was denied---by those following the law.
However, people of good will stood up on Christian, Jewish, and Islamic principles and changed America’s laws for the better---in the eyes of the world.
However in South Georgia, the question remains---has the Old South really changed? Peace!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
George Rhynes (229-xxx2xxx-xxxx) 28 February 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
Dear Editor/Message Boards & Internet Blogs
Recently on C-Span the question was asked---is Freedom of Speech being curtailed in America since President Bush took office?
After writing many opinion columns and being published in several newspapers across the country including U.S. Today---I say Yes!
For Example: Here in Valdosta, Georgia on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards. There is a copy of a framed Valdosta City Charter of 1860, displayed on the wall approved by the Georgia General Assembly of 1860. Valdosta (No. 108), which reads Par., 100, Section XI, “THE MAYOR, AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES, AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSE, OR OTHER STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES."
It seems that our local News Media and Elected Officials see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this document in the 21st Century. Nevertheless, it offends people of conscience and has been discussed on Valdosta State University Campus by students and professors.
It was on 19 February 2004, when I noticed this charter and immediately wrote our Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV, Channel 6, WALB Channel 10, Valdosta-NAACP, other local news media outlets, and organizations.
However, no media coverage has been given to this issue. It appears that some would like to see this issue disappear like the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, who died under strange circumstances while in the custody of Law enforcement.
It appears that local citizens are not informed by the media when it comes to alleged gang activity, elections discrepancies at the polls---even after being informed in writing, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity.
Protests against war with Iraq, eleven incarcerated inmates requested help in the Lowndes County Jail and believed their Constitutional Rights were being denied, an alleged incident involving a weapon at the jail was being swept under the rug.
However, after inmates concerns were presented to the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners on 26 Aug 2003, with news media present nothing was reported to the citizens of Valdosta and Lowndes County concerning their request.
In addition, Lowndes County Commissioners have yet to respond to their requests for help. Moreover, Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center has only one Black person in a management position. But all members of the work crews are black with no job benefits.
Then applicants and present employees complain of unfair hiring practices but little if any investigative reporting is done in Lowndes County. Local citizens are (NOW) turning to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, and outside agencies for help to resolve the problems within this South Georgia Town.
Yes! It appears that Freedom of Speech in America, Valdosta, Lowndes County and the State of Georgia seems to be in jeopardy---at the expense of the people. Peace!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
George Rhynes (229-xxx--xxx) 1 March 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
Dear Editor – Message Boards, and American Patriots of Free Speech!
Recently on C-Span the question was asked if our freedoms had been curtailed under the present administration?
After submitting many opinion columns, and being published in the Chicago Sun times, Albany Herald, Tallahassee Democrat, USA-Today and other papers. I believe our rights are fading---even here in Valdosta, where a framed copy of an 1860, City Charter is displayed near the Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards.
This charter reads (Par 100, Section XI), “The Mayor and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws or ordinances for the control of slaves, and free persons of color in said town and suppress, and abate all nuisances arising from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”
Apparently, our elected officials and local news media see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this charter. However, many people of conscious are very much offended and want it removed to the City Museum.
When I observed this document I wrote the Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV Channel 6, WALB TV Channel 10, Valdosta NAACP, Peoples Tribunal, and other local news media outlets.
As of 2 Mar 2004, nothing has been published by any Local News Media in South Georgia concerning this matter. Although, several web-sites have published it on the Internet with a copy of the 1860 Valdosta City Charter.
This lack of local coverage is nothing new in this area: For example, the complete circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, and how eye witnesses of his arrest was never called as witnesses, eleven incarcerated inmates in the county jail requesting help from an outside agencies have been ignored by local media, and our County Commissioners since 26 Aug 03.
Moreover, an alleged incident at the jail involving a deputy and a weapon has been sweep under the rug----says eleven inmates, and that they often have problems filing complaints and getting them notarized.
In addition, candidates running for City Council was not equally represented at a news conference, valid election problems in the last City Mayoral and Council race went unreported in the news, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity, protests and marches against war with Iraq, local school allegedly being built on an unsafe land site.
Also, individual complaints are seldom reported from City and County monthly meetings--unless they are in groups or represented by an organization, hazardous railroad tracks in the black community, an International exhibit of African American History on Wheels were brought in by Valdosta State University---but never made front page coverage in our local paper newspaper, the Valdosta Lowndes County Conference Center has only one Black employee in a management position, while 100% of work-crews are black---with no job benefits, applicants and people on staff speaks of unfair hiring practices. However, there is little if any investigative reporting to try to rectify these community problems.
Therefore, many citizens have turned to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, congress, senate, and other means to ensure local citizens are informed. Therefore, it appears that local citizens have no alternative but to begin a newsletter in this South Georgia Town.
Yes! Freedom of Speech seems to have been curtailed in America at the expense of the American people. Peace!
George Boston Rhynes
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
George B. Rhynes 11 March 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
10 March 2004
Valdosta city council & Mayor
Thank you for your response to my letter requesting that the 1860 City of Valdosta charter be retired to a location away from the Municipal Courtroom. Away from where all citizens come in the hope of receiving equal justice under the law, and be respected as a full American Citizens under the Law in the State of Georgia----in the 21st Century.
In your letter par 1, you said that the 1860 charter allowed for the creation of our city, as it was developed by Georgia State Officials, and our local forefathers---of that time.
Mr. Mayor and Council:
a. Webster’s-Dictionary Third Edition defines {forefathers} as a male ancestor. What ancestor male or female---would want to control, suppress, enslave, and abate a fellow human being…
b. Webster defines “ABATE” as beat down, reduce, moderate, diminish, and lessen. In addition, in Section XI, of this 1860 Charter, we find the word Nuisances. Webster defines this word as annoying or obnoxious person or thing.
Which brings us back to: Section XI of the Charter: QUOTE! “The Mayor, and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws, and ordinances for the control of SLAVES, and FREE PERSONS OF COLOR, in said town (Valdosta), and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town (Valdosta), or from other causes.”
You agreed with me that we should not hide the facts of history or deny that which has come before us. Moreover, that the same logic should be applied to the items displayed in City Hall for over 20 years. Also that the 1860 charter is the City’s first Charter, remains a permanent record both in Valdosta, as well as in the “State Records Archives,” and cannot be ignored.
Twenty years Mr. Mayor and Council---is not a long period of time----to want for your neighbor, that which you want and have for yourself---and your children.
It is recorded in the Library of Congress---that some of our ancestors first came to these shores aboard a slave ship called Jesus. It was captained by one Sir John Hawkins, in the year of 1555 that’s 449 years ago. According to American History, they were treated worst than live stock, called 3/5th of a human being. As the charter stipulates, they were controlled, chained, suppressed, and totally humiliated before the world. If this 1860 charter were addressing my “Jewish brothers and sisters”, there would be no ripples in the water!
Mr. Mayor and Council----Speaking of Archives: In the Black Archives, at FAMU, and many other institutions, museums, and libraries, around the world. There are millions of artifacts, pictures of pain, of strange fruits---that trees did not bare. We do not want them displayed along these walls---to inflict pain and shame on another human being.
We are called to the Moral High Ground of love, justice, and equality for all of Gods Children. Whether it is today, tomorrow or the next century, this issue will be resolved by men, and women of conscious, love, compassion, and understanding.
Our world is moving towards the union of the one God, for the one universal people. Therefore, I take my seat by saying, “LUKE 4:18,” should be read and fully understood!
You see when truth comes, insensitivity, injustice, separation and falsehood must vanish. Because falsehood is forever a vanishing thing!
When I look at my Retirement Certificate, after placing my life on the line for over 20 years. Then look up at this 1860, document that tells all Black People---that they are still 2nd class citizens, and referred to in the same paragraph as---dogs, hogs, horses, and beasts of the field.
However, our God has instructed us---to treat our neighbors, as we ourselves want to be treated! These words probably will not change your conscience. Nevertheless, there is a plumb line of justice, by which we must all align ourselves up beside! To prepare for the last Council Meeting!
George B. Rhynes
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members!
I addressed you because a serious incident occurred at Jaycee Shack Road Polling Place on 20 July 2004, during our Local Primary Election that should be of major concern to every Lowndes County Citizens.
1). That a local candidate running for public office was threatened, and told not to go to the Poll because he was the subject of threats and racial slurs---by the Superintendent of Elections. (Deb Cox)
QUESTION: Should Local Elected Officials, be concerned about the safety, and Constitutional Rights of voters in Valdosta/Lowndes County Georgia? It not, why not? Or, what is being done to prevent such ill behaviors in the future?
2). since Jaycee Shack Road Polling Place was closed temporarily for Voters Safety.
QUSTION: Does the possibility of disenfranchisement of voters concern Members of the Valdosta, City Council?
3). only after Local citizens complain to The Superintendent of Elections, Deb Cox, Valdosta Daily Times, and Local Law Enforcement. It was only after Minister Rose, and I went to the Sheriffs Department on 26 July 2004, did they publish. Two, watered down, shallow articles in the Valdosta Daily times. That was misleading, incomplete, and served little purpose in educating the citizens in this community.
QUESTION: As a minimum, should Local Elected Officials confront the Editor. Ask questions as to why local citizens-----are being given incorrect information?
4. The individual arrested returned to the Polling place in TOTAL contrast to what was reported in the Valdosta Daily Times. This was in the Superintendent of Elections Problem Form.
QUESTION: While this may or may not be your responsibility. However, it may be a good idea to review the various reports from concerned agencies. This will ensure that citizen’s interest is addressed.
5. When citizens are NOT properly informed of what is going on---in their community.
QUESTION: Should this be of concern------to Local Elected Officials, and the well being of our community?
When ever a Municipality, or news media outlet, with hold information from the public. Then that community cannot be all that it can be. If, this does not concern local elected OFFICIALS. Then I trust and hope that someone from the State level will adequately address this serious matter and prevent it from happening in the future. Thank you for your time.
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
George Rhynes (229-xxx-xxx-xxxx) 4 August 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
Dear Editors, Concerned Citizens, and Organizations of America, & The Outside World!
SUBJECT: Keeping Citizens Ignorant Should Not Be the Job of The Newspapers!
Freedom of the press seems non-existent in Valdosta, Georgia. Students and professors at Valdosta State University made this clear a few years ago in a two-hour documentary video entitled “A Chorus of Fear.” This video revealed how wide spread the infection of fear, alleged censorship, and the good OLE boy network is here---in Lowndes County Georgia.
Here in Lowndes County it appears that newspapers and local media outlets controls---both the day and night. While the citizens suffer because news events are ignored. However, local organizations continue to add omissions to their forever growing organizational archives.
Historically, local newspapers, and the media seldom if ever informs the public when citizens addresses the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners Meetings on serious Jail Problems, Mayor and City Council Meetings, Board of Education Meetings, and other issues of a controversial nature.
We watched them ignore marches and speeches against the war in Iraq, on the Court House steps, inmates being abused in the jail and alleged cover-ups, inhumane, unsanitary and abusive conditions identified as far back as 1989 in Civil Action #89-54-VAL, U.S. District Courts of the Middle District of Georgia, Valdosta Division, a deputy at the jail who earned the name “Black Jesus,” because of how harsh he treated Black inmates, a deputy allegedly pulling out a gun in July 2003, because inmate asked for a complaint form to fill out against a Sheriff’s Deputy, thirteen guards were fired and they sought the local NAACP for help and relief, elderly citizens afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity, problems in the last Mayoral and City Council Race in district one, school bus accident on Clay Road witnessed by Reverend White in front of his home that cause much conversation in the community, editorials in favor of President Clinton and against the War with Iraq went unpublished.
Blacks and Whites in unified organizations complained because their opinions were not being published fairly, Lowndes County Commissioners ignoring eleven jailed inmates with signed letters and notarized statements outlining abuses, inhumane, unsanitary conditions, and pleading for an outside agency to come into the jail and investigate, 52 complaints from inmates in 2003, that was addressed to the Lowndes County Commissioner’s Meeting on two separate occasions, inmates constitutional rights being denied at the jail, U.S. Civil Action 89-54-VAL, Judge Hugh A. Lawson Court Order and Consent Decree identifying 105 violations and recommendations with a two year period to come in compliance, originally filed in 1989, Hazardous Railroad Tracks in Black Community, Local Merchants problems with panhandlers, International Exhibit SANKOFA---given little to no media coverage though it is traveled Internationally, a school being build on a possible toxic site (REF: The Post).
They even ignored or failed to report the issue concerning an 1860 City Charter that was displayed near the entrance of Valdosta Municipal Court Room. It referred to Blacks as livestock and that Blacks were to be controlled and suppressed by laws passed by the Mayor and Council.
Our Honorable Mayor and Council removed the disgraceful 1860 Charter from the Municipal Courtroom entrance. However, our editor never notified the public of the Mayor, and Council’s action. It seems that there is a continued or renewed effort to control and suppress the total population in Lowndes County.
Moreover, when a city keep its citizen ignorant, controlled, and suppressed they cannot expect them to have hope, dignity, equality, justice, direction and self worth. Therefore, Valdosta should terminate her 1860 Mentality of suppress, and control. Then take her rightful place in the State of Georgia beside other Metropolitan Cites of the 21st Century. Peace!
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
Cc: Closed
Mr. MAYOR AND COUNCIL! I take it, that you all are aware of the threats and racial slurs that occurred at Jaycee Shack Polling Place on 20 July 20004, during the Primary Election. When threats, and racial slurs were directed towards a local candidate-----running for public office.
It was serious enough for the Poll---to be temporarily closed—for voter safety! However, nothing was published in the Valdosta Daily times. So, local citizens, directed questions to the Valdosta Daily times, Superintendent of Election Deb Cox, and Local Law Enforcement as to—why citizens were not notified?
Twelve-days following the threats and racial slurs---the Times published two limited articles. But as Paul Harvey would say—I want to tell the rest of the story!
The name of the person threatened was not given! But I will today.
a. or that HE, was a BLACK Candidate running for public office.
b. Or that he was told by the Superintendent of Elections---not to go to the poll, because the threats were directed toward him.
c. Or that the individual arrested, left and returned to the scene.
d. Or that this person, was Minister Floyd Rose, a local property owner here---in Lowndes County Georgia.
Mr. Mayor and Council, We have lost nearly a thousand American troops in Iraq----defending freedom of the press, and freedom of speech for others. Are we, not entitled to be equally informed---here in Valdosta Georgia!
I hope that the State of Georgia will help us, insure that candidates running for public office are safe. And that no local voter, is disenfranchised in Lowndes County.
My presents reflect the love----I have for this country, and my willingness to help make it better! Thank You!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
George Rhynes August 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
The Honorable Mayor & Each Council Member (Respectively)
I addressed the Council on 22 July 2004 concerning the death of a 49-year-old white male inmate who died in the Lowndes County Jail on 21 June 2004.
His death was reported in the Valdosta Daily times on 22 June 2004. However, after thirty-one days neither his name nor the cause of death was ever reported to the public.
Therefore, I asked if you or if any member of City Council knew his name or the cause of his death. And if not? Why not?
As usual, you refused to answer, as it is your policy to do. However, every death that occurs in the Lowndes County Jail should be of concern to every citizen.
As long as elected officials and concerned citizens refuse to ask questions the cycle of pain and death will continue. We must never forget that over six (6) inmates have already died in or surrounding the Lowndes County Jail. Therefore, we cannot allow the local media, citizens; and elected officials to continue to bury their head in the sand like the legend concerning the Ostrich. While mothers and fathers continue to loose their children without pertinent questions being asked.
As a Vietnam era retired military veteran. I was lead to believe that the media, elected officials and governmental agencies had a responsibility to keep us informed. This practice was to create, trust, pride, respect, outreach, and a sense of equality and justice among us. So every American citizen would gladly take part in the electoral process of his or her government.
Moreover, it was to eliminate the perception that only the rich, and politically connected had a voice in their government. However, today, it seems that fear rules the day and night in Lowndes County Georgia. This was made known in a two-hour documentary video put together by professors and a class at Valdosta State University entitled “A Chorus of Fear.”
However, if it were your son or daughter that died in the jail. I hope that some good citizen would be concerned enough to ask questions. Perhaps, the best citizens in this Republic are those who ask questions and refuse to go along to get along.
Each of us----elected or not, have a civic duty and responsibility to find out who this 49 year old white male inmate was and the reasons surrounding his death. We must seek to keep MAN in humanity. Peace!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity!
Valdosta News Media Keep Citizens Ignorant.
--- Eleven inmates in the Lowndes County Jail requesting help from an outside source to investigate the denial of their individual Constitutional Rights, incidents being swept under the rug involving an alleged weapon, problems filing state complaint forms and getting them notarized.
--- Lowndes County Board of Commissioners failure to respond to inmates request of 23 Aug 2003, eyewitnesses in the arrest and death of a Black male motorist was never called as witnesses.
--- candidates running for public office are not treated the same at news conferences.
--- Manner in which candidates are indorsed by local news media.
---Valid registered election problems never published during a recent Mayoral, and City Council race.
--- Alleged gang activity has senior citizens afraid to come out of their homes.
--- Marches and protests against the war with Iraq goes unreported.
--- Local School being built on a controversial site (hazardous).
--- Controversial opinion columns and editorials excluded from the public, citizens to be heard at public meetings are seldom published—unless they are a group, or organization.
--- Hazardous railroad tracks in the Black community not published.
--- Several Merchants problems with panhandlers in Valdosta ignored.
---Conference Center has only one Black full time employee, while all employees of the work crews are black---with no job benefits, white applicants with medical problems being hired over blacks, present and former employees complaining of unfair hiring practices and promotions at public establishment.
--- Little investigative reporting is done to gather the facts surrounding these items of interests.
--- Therefore, local citizens have been forced to use Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, and other news outlets to keep Free Speech, and Press alive. Unquestionably, citizens must start their own newsletter, or newspaper in this South Georgia Town. Peace!
--- 15 Feb 2003 peace rally on the Court House steps, in Valdosta, Georgia, consisting of students from Valdosta State University.
--- Letters to the editors, and guest columns of a controversial nature are overly scrutinized---changed, watered down, or totally ignored, by mass media nation wide.
--- In your “Thumbs up, thumbs down” you said the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. helped to change lives for African-Americans.”
--- Opinions on war with Iraq, Senator Trent Lott, Affirmative Action, the biases in America media, and many others.
--- But not one of a controversial nature was published. However, some were published in Chicago, and other cities, the Lake Park Post published three, two in one paper, and others have been accepted for publication.
--- Only covered one side of the story after court judge verdict. The Williams family concerns were totally excluded from the article (no surprise.
--- The vanishing videotape at the intake, and the Medical Examiners Autopsy Report, and other facts of the case.
--- Former inmates, deputies, parents, attorneys, and pastors went before organizations on behalf of those that were behind bars, and could not speak for themselves.
--- Totally excluded was a 1998 Civil Action #89-54-VAL filed against the jail in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, Valdosta District concerning discrepancies at the jail.
--- Alleged torturing of inmates on a bench (the Horse), throwing people into the hole until their scars and wounds had healed.
--- They spoke of a deputy nick named “BLACK JESUS,” because of how he beat up inmates,
--- leeches coming up through the drain and showerhead,
--- 100-degree temperatures in the jail.
--- Windows sealed shut, water running all over the floor,
--- Personal mail being opened, not allowed to receive news papers,
--- Not allowed to receive newspapers, religious materials.
--- Cells with no ventilation, and no place to dispose of sanitary supplies.
--- Many guards presented their case before the NAACP, and filed EEOC complaints. Some of which have been settled,
--- An incident on the morning of 23 July 2003 at 8:30am was swept under the rug.
--- Several inmates who witnessed an officer drawing a weapon on an inmate taunting and agitating inmates. This is routine practice in the Lowndes County Jail.
--- Guards turns off fan and TV in the cell block without ventilation.
--- No air conditioning, because cell was locked because of malfunction in an inmate cell.
--- That Lowndes County Commissioners refused to respond to inmate’s complaints brought before them on 26 Aug 2003. Requesting an outside agency come into the jail and investigate the ill conditions and mistreatment of inmates.
--- That a request for answers was addressed to the Grand Jury, and District Attorney for help and relief.
--- A vanishing booking tape. (Mr. Hernage)
--- Other articles were “will new school be in harms way (near Sterling Pulp Chemicals, which manufactures sodium chlorate),
--- Sheriff admits that the jail is inhumane, former jail employee says he took 12-15 tapes from the Lowndes County Jail,
--- Valdosta City Manager denies wrongdoing in Bosch payments,
--- U.S. Supreme Court childes 11th Dist Court of Appeals, six letters to the editor with substance, Lowndes County Commission admits it knows little of water problem in the county (cadmium, and nickel contaminated (Q4) of sediment in Mud Creek),
--- a disturbing letter from South Georgia Medical Center, Bell South sues web site owner, article by Charles Moore (editor).
--- Failed to report a complete story of SANKOFA. The Celebration of African American History Month at Valdosta State University Office of Equal Opportunity Programs and Multicultural Affairs presented SANKOFA. This African American Cultural Museum on Wheels with Angela Jennings, Curator/Director of Denmark, South Carolina, was an educational experience for all that attended.
--- On 21 October 1997, he issued a Court Order and Consent Decree that inmates 1st, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States had been violated. He gave two (2), years for Lowndes County to comply.
--- After standing before you on behalf of (over) eleven (11) inmates, their parents, and former employees---for relief... You ignored our request. All I could give them was the 35TH Psalm of David, as a symbol of hope!
--- Several Professors from Valdosta State University put together a two-hour documentary video. This video was entitled "A Chorus of Fear" documenting the horror stories and the conditions that has festered in this South Georgia town---for decades.
--- Each member of the City Councilman and each Lowndes County Commissioner were given a copy of the Video "A Chorus of Fear." However, it seems that fear reigns supreme in Lowndes County Georgia.
--- The Honorable Jack Kingston, Rep Sandfort Bishop, Lt Governor…
--- Questions addressing pertinent questions were never reported to the public.
1. In the State of Georgia is there a requirement for County Law Enforcement Policy and Procedures Manual to be kept up to date in County Jails? If so, is this manual available for citizens to checkout and review?
2. Does Georgia require a Staffing Analysis of Jails by the Department of Community Affairs or the Georgia Sheriffs Association? If so, where can citizens obtain results of such reviews?
3. When it is determined by a U.S. District Court Judge in the State of Georgia that Jailed Inmates Constitutional Rights have been violated:
a. Who ensures that corrections are made? Who is held responsible for complying with a U.S. District Court Order and Consent Decree?
b. Is there a requirement for the Federal, State, County, and City government to inspect jails within the State of Georgia?
c. Does the Federal, State, or County Governments provide a checklist to Georgia Grand Juries on requirements of Jails in the State of Georgia?
4. When complaints of abuse and mistreatment of Jailed Inmates in a Georgia County Jail have been identified by the courts. Is it permitted to send surveys within a jailed to pool the jail population? (To insure inmates Constitutional and State Rights are not being violated).
5. If you are notified of an abusive jail situation who would you recommend citizens contact to resolve inmates alleged problems of abuse? (When local citizens cannot get a response from their elected officials).
6. Is the Foreman of the Grand Jury and each member properly educated/trained on proper guidelines for reviewing Georgia Jails? If not, why are they permitted to tour the jail and give a report---on jail conditions?
7. In the State of Georgia who performs oversight review of County Sheriffs Departments? And who insures that inmate complaints are adequately investigated IAW Federal, State, and Local policies if applicable?
8. Who insures, that those who use the complaint system are not retaliated against for using the Georgia Inmate Complaint System?
9. Are inmate’s personal/Official U.S. Mail within the State of Georgia allowed to be opened outside the inmates (view), presents? If so, under what conditions? Moreover, do the State of Georgia band newspapers, and other religious literature from certain religious persuasions?
10. Is Medical Staff at a County Jail inspected on their competence and professionalism? If so, by whom? How often? Where can documentation be found?
11. In the case of a U.S. District Court Order. Who insures that all discrepancies are fixed and complied with within a County Jail in the State of Georgia?
12. What Federal, State or County Manual governs Georgia County Jail Standards? In addition, who has authority/Jurisdiction over a County Sheriff within the State of Georgia? If anyone?
On 22 June 2004, our local news paper the Valdosta Daily Times reported that Capt Yeager of the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Department said: That a 49 year old white male died of unknown causes at about 4:30 p.m. in his cell at the jail.
The name of the inmate is being with held until the family is notified. To date, to my knowledge this information has not been released to the general public.
On 15 April 2004, Vol. 17 NO. 2. The Post, a weekly newspaper reported
the following deaths: Rosemary King age 40, died, on 20 June 2001,
Ronzie “Sonny” Graham, age 48, died, on 13 July 2000, Willie James
Williams age 49, died, on 2 Sept 1998, Willie Lee Gay age 39, died, on
23 Oct 1995, and years earlier Willie McFarland also died to mention a
few without the complete record. (Al Parson owner and editor, The Post,
229-242-7179, FAX 229-242-7143).
This prolonged lack of attention can only be compared to a week of terror in Brooks and Lowndes County in 1918---wherein over ten Black American citizens were killed:
They were Hayes Turner, Mary Turner, Will Head, Will Thompson, Sidney Johnson, an eight month old fetus, Willie Schuman, and three other black individuals whose name were with held but included in the Governors investigation report.
It was a white Georgia Governor Hugh M. Dorsey that took a strong stand for law, order, and justice---instead of chaos.
20 June 2004 threats were made on a local candidates’ freedom and well being. These threats and racial epitaphs were made at a polling place in Lowndes County. Moreover, 911 was called but the again the local population knows nothing about this incident.
It appears that this too will be pushed under the table and not reported to the public by local news media networks.
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
Valdosta, Georgia
Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center
Mr. Marty Brown, Executive Director
Ms Beverly S. Pitzing, Director of Operations
Mr. Le McKile, Director of Sales
1 Meeting Place
Valdosta, Georgia 31601
Dear Mr. Marty Brown
On 1 December 2003, I asked the desk clerk to speak with the Conference Center Director. She called the Director, and I was told to take a seat and wait. After 37 minutes of waiting, the director never came. This letter addresses my concerns:
I received your letter dated 1 October 2003, informing me that you had selected another candidate for Operations Assistant for the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center.
Thank you for notifying me that even-though I was not selected for the position that my application will be kept on file for 6 months. In addition, that I will be considered for other positions that may open during that time. However, I have submitted several applications for employment to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center before. In addition, I have never been called in for additional information or an interview.
It is becoming more apparent from others within Lowndes County---that there is something grossly wrong in the hiring process of minority employees at Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center. I am a retired veteran and feel obligated to question the hiring practices in this facility.
Therefore, I am requesting the following questions be answered in writing to ease my mind along with others who have applied for positions of employment at the center. If you are unable to answer these questions because of policies, procedures, local, or state law----please include this in your letter within 10 days. In addition, please answer each question. Thanks!
a. Was my job application and resume considered equally as all others received for this position?
b. How many jobs were available?
c. How many applications were submitted for the position of Operations Assistant?
d. What was the percentage of applicants interviewed?
e. Who reviews applications, resumes, and interviewed applicants for this position?
f. Was the selected applicant from the local area or outside of Lowndes County?
g. Was the individual selected, already on staff within the Conference Center? If so was it necessary to seek applications to fill this position? What made the selected applicant more qualified, physically, educationally, experience and skills, over my qualifications?
h. Does the State of Georgia or EEOC, requires that jobs be posted to the general-public, when someone has already been pre-selected?
i. What directive gives procedures on proper listing of jobs to the public in a fair and proper manner in Lowndes County, and the State of Georgia?
j. Was the selection process in filling the position of Lowndes County Conference Center Operations Assistant followed fairly, and correctly? Was the information received on job application, resume, and interview the major reason for selecting the applicant hired?
k. Are you sure that the best-qualified person for this position was selected based upon the information received into your office to fill this position?
l. Can you provide the necessary documentation to support your decision to hire the applicant above the other applicants?
m. What criteria was used to qualify an applicant for a second interview?
n. Has any employee ever been hired at the center because of favoritism, relative, or city employee in positions of authority---instead of the process used to fill this vacancy?
I believe that if you were a minority seeking gainful employment in this area----you would also want the above questions answered. In addition, I thank you in advance!
Applicant, (Retired Veteran, U.S. Air Force)
cc: Valdosta City Council/Mayor
Lowndes County Board of Commissioners
Valdosta Chamber of Commerce
Valdosta - Lowndes County Branch/NAACP (President)
George B. Rhynes (229-xxx-xxx) 25 January 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
The New South may not be so new after all! Here in Valdosta, Georgia approximately 240 miles south of Atlanta, Rev. Floyd Rose, President of the People’s Tribunal a local Civil Rights organization addressed the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority on behalf of concerned citizens on 20 Jan 2004:
“Of the more than thirty (30) employees only one full time positions is held by an African American all other blacks compose the “Clean-up,” crew. None of them have health or retirement benefits---this is unacceptable to all people of good will,”
The attorney for the authority stated that, “they are following the law, and cannot discriminate against anyone. Moreover, that they will continue hiring the best qualified, and experienced applicants.”
Rev. Rose’s main objective seemed to be one of diversity, and fairness. “We are not asking you to terminate or remove Whites who are currently employed to make room for Blacks. However, we are suggesting that as vacancies appear they be filled with qualified blacks until such time they reflect the racial make-up of your clientele.”
The Center reemphasized its position that they were following the law and could not discriminate against anyone.
Rev. Rose said, “Our concerns are both morale and legitimate. We are prepared to (1), conduct public demonstrations (informational picketing), (2) pursue legal actions, and (3), lead a boycott, until African American are equally respected at every level of your employ.”
As an applicant I reminded the Board that Blacks were well qualified a few decades ago, to use the restaurants, bathrooms, motels, and other public facilities but was denied---by those following the law.
However, people of good will stood up on Christian, Jewish, and Islamic principles and changed America’s laws for the better---in the eyes of the world.
However in South Georgia, the question remains---has the Old South really changed? Peace!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
George Rhynes (229-xxx2xxx-xxxx) 28 February 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
Dear Editor/Message Boards & Internet Blogs
Recently on C-Span the question was asked---is Freedom of Speech being curtailed in America since President Bush took office?
After writing many opinion columns and being published in several newspapers across the country including U.S. Today---I say Yes!
For Example: Here in Valdosta, Georgia on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards. There is a copy of a framed Valdosta City Charter of 1860, displayed on the wall approved by the Georgia General Assembly of 1860. Valdosta (No. 108), which reads Par., 100, Section XI, “THE MAYOR, AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES, AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSE, OR OTHER STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES."
It seems that our local News Media and Elected Officials see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this document in the 21st Century. Nevertheless, it offends people of conscience and has been discussed on Valdosta State University Campus by students and professors.
It was on 19 February 2004, when I noticed this charter and immediately wrote our Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV, Channel 6, WALB Channel 10, Valdosta-NAACP, other local news media outlets, and organizations.
However, no media coverage has been given to this issue. It appears that some would like to see this issue disappear like the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, who died under strange circumstances while in the custody of Law enforcement.
It appears that local citizens are not informed by the media when it comes to alleged gang activity, elections discrepancies at the polls---even after being informed in writing, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity.
Protests against war with Iraq, eleven incarcerated inmates requested help in the Lowndes County Jail and believed their Constitutional Rights were being denied, an alleged incident involving a weapon at the jail was being swept under the rug.
However, after inmates concerns were presented to the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners on 26 Aug 2003, with news media present nothing was reported to the citizens of Valdosta and Lowndes County concerning their request.
In addition, Lowndes County Commissioners have yet to respond to their requests for help. Moreover, Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center has only one Black person in a management position. But all members of the work crews are black with no job benefits.
Then applicants and present employees complain of unfair hiring practices but little if any investigative reporting is done in Lowndes County. Local citizens are (NOW) turning to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, and outside agencies for help to resolve the problems within this South Georgia Town.
Yes! It appears that Freedom of Speech in America, Valdosta, Lowndes County and the State of Georgia seems to be in jeopardy---at the expense of the people. Peace!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
George Rhynes (229-xxx--xxx) 1 March 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
Dear Editor – Message Boards, and American Patriots of Free Speech!
Recently on C-Span the question was asked if our freedoms had been curtailed under the present administration?
After submitting many opinion columns, and being published in the Chicago Sun times, Albany Herald, Tallahassee Democrat, USA-Today and other papers. I believe our rights are fading---even here in Valdosta, where a framed copy of an 1860, City Charter is displayed near the Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards.
This charter reads (Par 100, Section XI), “The Mayor and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws or ordinances for the control of slaves, and free persons of color in said town and suppress, and abate all nuisances arising from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”
Apparently, our elected officials and local news media see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this charter. However, many people of conscious are very much offended and want it removed to the City Museum.
When I observed this document I wrote the Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV Channel 6, WALB TV Channel 10, Valdosta NAACP, Peoples Tribunal, and other local news media outlets.
As of 2 Mar 2004, nothing has been published by any Local News Media in South Georgia concerning this matter. Although, several web-sites have published it on the Internet with a copy of the 1860 Valdosta City Charter.
This lack of local coverage is nothing new in this area: For example, the complete circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, and how eye witnesses of his arrest was never called as witnesses, eleven incarcerated inmates in the county jail requesting help from an outside agencies have been ignored by local media, and our County Commissioners since 26 Aug 03.
Moreover, an alleged incident at the jail involving a deputy and a weapon has been sweep under the rug----says eleven inmates, and that they often have problems filing complaints and getting them notarized.
In addition, candidates running for City Council was not equally represented at a news conference, valid election problems in the last City Mayoral and Council race went unreported in the news, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity, protests and marches against war with Iraq, local school allegedly being built on an unsafe land site.
Also, individual complaints are seldom reported from City and County monthly meetings--unless they are in groups or represented by an organization, hazardous railroad tracks in the black community, an International exhibit of African American History on Wheels were brought in by Valdosta State University---but never made front page coverage in our local paper newspaper, the Valdosta Lowndes County Conference Center has only one Black employee in a management position, while 100% of work-crews are black---with no job benefits, applicants and people on staff speaks of unfair hiring practices. However, there is little if any investigative reporting to try to rectify these community problems.
Therefore, many citizens have turned to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, congress, senate, and other means to ensure local citizens are informed. Therefore, it appears that local citizens have no alternative but to begin a newsletter in this South Georgia Town.
Yes! Freedom of Speech seems to have been curtailed in America at the expense of the American people. Peace!
George Boston Rhynes
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
George B. Rhynes 11 March 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
10 March 2004
Valdosta city council & Mayor
Thank you for your response to my letter requesting that the 1860 City of Valdosta charter be retired to a location away from the Municipal Courtroom. Away from where all citizens come in the hope of receiving equal justice under the law, and be respected as a full American Citizens under the Law in the State of Georgia----in the 21st Century.
In your letter par 1, you said that the 1860 charter allowed for the creation of our city, as it was developed by Georgia State Officials, and our local forefathers---of that time.
Mr. Mayor and Council:
a. Webster’s-Dictionary Third Edition defines {forefathers} as a male ancestor. What ancestor male or female---would want to control, suppress, enslave, and abate a fellow human being…
b. Webster defines “ABATE” as beat down, reduce, moderate, diminish, and lessen. In addition, in Section XI, of this 1860 Charter, we find the word Nuisances. Webster defines this word as annoying or obnoxious person or thing.
Which brings us back to: Section XI of the Charter: QUOTE! “The Mayor, and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws, and ordinances for the control of SLAVES, and FREE PERSONS OF COLOR, in said town (Valdosta), and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town (Valdosta), or from other causes.”
You agreed with me that we should not hide the facts of history or deny that which has come before us. Moreover, that the same logic should be applied to the items displayed in City Hall for over 20 years. Also that the 1860 charter is the City’s first Charter, remains a permanent record both in Valdosta, as well as in the “State Records Archives,” and cannot be ignored.
Twenty years Mr. Mayor and Council---is not a long period of time----to want for your neighbor, that which you want and have for yourself---and your children.
It is recorded in the Library of Congress---that some of our ancestors first came to these shores aboard a slave ship called Jesus. It was captained by one Sir John Hawkins, in the year of 1555 that’s 449 years ago. According to American History, they were treated worst than live stock, called 3/5th of a human being. As the charter stipulates, they were controlled, chained, suppressed, and totally humiliated before the world. If this 1860 charter were addressing my “Jewish brothers and sisters”, there would be no ripples in the water!
Mr. Mayor and Council----Speaking of Archives: In the Black Archives, at FAMU, and many other institutions, museums, and libraries, around the world. There are millions of artifacts, pictures of pain, of strange fruits---that trees did not bare. We do not want them displayed along these walls---to inflict pain and shame on another human being.
We are called to the Moral High Ground of love, justice, and equality for all of Gods Children. Whether it is today, tomorrow or the next century, this issue will be resolved by men, and women of conscious, love, compassion, and understanding.
Our world is moving towards the union of the one God, for the one universal people. Therefore, I take my seat by saying, “LUKE 4:18,” should be read and fully understood!
You see when truth comes, insensitivity, injustice, separation and falsehood must vanish. Because falsehood is forever a vanishing thing!
When I look at my Retirement Certificate, after placing my life on the line for over 20 years. Then look up at this 1860, document that tells all Black People---that they are still 2nd class citizens, and referred to in the same paragraph as---dogs, hogs, horses, and beasts of the field.
However, our God has instructed us---to treat our neighbors, as we ourselves want to be treated! These words probably will not change your conscience. Nevertheless, there is a plumb line of justice, by which we must all align ourselves up beside! To prepare for the last Council Meeting!
George B. Rhynes
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members!
I addressed you because a serious incident occurred at Jaycee Shack Road Polling Place on 20 July 2004, during our Local Primary Election that should be of major concern to every Lowndes County Citizens.
1). That a local candidate running for public office was threatened, and told not to go to the Poll because he was the subject of threats and racial slurs---by the Superintendent of Elections. (Deb Cox)
QUESTION: Should Local Elected Officials, be concerned about the safety, and Constitutional Rights of voters in Valdosta/Lowndes County Georgia? It not, why not? Or, what is being done to prevent such ill behaviors in the future?
2). since Jaycee Shack Road Polling Place was closed temporarily for Voters Safety.
QUSTION: Does the possibility of disenfranchisement of voters concern Members of the Valdosta, City Council?
3). only after Local citizens complain to The Superintendent of Elections, Deb Cox, Valdosta Daily Times, and Local Law Enforcement. It was only after Minister Rose, and I went to the Sheriffs Department on 26 July 2004, did they publish. Two, watered down, shallow articles in the Valdosta Daily times. That was misleading, incomplete, and served little purpose in educating the citizens in this community.
QUESTION: As a minimum, should Local Elected Officials confront the Editor. Ask questions as to why local citizens-----are being given incorrect information?
4. The individual arrested returned to the Polling place in TOTAL contrast to what was reported in the Valdosta Daily Times. This was in the Superintendent of Elections Problem Form.
QUESTION: While this may or may not be your responsibility. However, it may be a good idea to review the various reports from concerned agencies. This will ensure that citizen’s interest is addressed.
5. When citizens are NOT properly informed of what is going on---in their community.
QUESTION: Should this be of concern------to Local Elected Officials, and the well being of our community?
When ever a Municipality, or news media outlet, with hold information from the public. Then that community cannot be all that it can be. If, this does not concern local elected OFFICIALS. Then I trust and hope that someone from the State level will adequately address this serious matter and prevent it from happening in the future. Thank you for your time.
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
George Rhynes (229-xxx-xxx-xxxx) 4 August 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
Dear Editors, Concerned Citizens, and Organizations of America, & The Outside World!
SUBJECT: Keeping Citizens Ignorant Should Not Be the Job of The Newspapers!
Freedom of the press seems non-existent in Valdosta, Georgia. Students and professors at Valdosta State University made this clear a few years ago in a two-hour documentary video entitled “A Chorus of Fear.” This video revealed how wide spread the infection of fear, alleged censorship, and the good OLE boy network is here---in Lowndes County Georgia.
Here in Lowndes County it appears that newspapers and local media outlets controls---both the day and night. While the citizens suffer because news events are ignored. However, local organizations continue to add omissions to their forever growing organizational archives.
Historically, local newspapers, and the media seldom if ever informs the public when citizens addresses the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners Meetings on serious Jail Problems, Mayor and City Council Meetings, Board of Education Meetings, and other issues of a controversial nature.
We watched them ignore marches and speeches against the war in Iraq, on the Court House steps, inmates being abused in the jail and alleged cover-ups, inhumane, unsanitary and abusive conditions identified as far back as 1989 in Civil Action #89-54-VAL, U.S. District Courts of the Middle District of Georgia, Valdosta Division, a deputy at the jail who earned the name “Black Jesus,” because of how harsh he treated Black inmates, a deputy allegedly pulling out a gun in July 2003, because inmate asked for a complaint form to fill out against a Sheriff’s Deputy, thirteen guards were fired and they sought the local NAACP for help and relief, elderly citizens afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity, problems in the last Mayoral and City Council Race in district one, school bus accident on Clay Road witnessed by Reverend White in front of his home that cause much conversation in the community, editorials in favor of President Clinton and against the War with Iraq went unpublished.
Blacks and Whites in unified organizations complained because their opinions were not being published fairly, Lowndes County Commissioners ignoring eleven jailed inmates with signed letters and notarized statements outlining abuses, inhumane, unsanitary conditions, and pleading for an outside agency to come into the jail and investigate, 52 complaints from inmates in 2003, that was addressed to the Lowndes County Commissioner’s Meeting on two separate occasions, inmates constitutional rights being denied at the jail, U.S. Civil Action 89-54-VAL, Judge Hugh A. Lawson Court Order and Consent Decree identifying 105 violations and recommendations with a two year period to come in compliance, originally filed in 1989, Hazardous Railroad Tracks in Black Community, Local Merchants problems with panhandlers, International Exhibit SANKOFA---given little to no media coverage though it is traveled Internationally, a school being build on a possible toxic site (REF: The Post).
They even ignored or failed to report the issue concerning an 1860 City Charter that was displayed near the entrance of Valdosta Municipal Court Room. It referred to Blacks as livestock and that Blacks were to be controlled and suppressed by laws passed by the Mayor and Council.
Our Honorable Mayor and Council removed the disgraceful 1860 Charter from the Municipal Courtroom entrance. However, our editor never notified the public of the Mayor, and Council’s action. It seems that there is a continued or renewed effort to control and suppress the total population in Lowndes County.
Moreover, when a city keep its citizen ignorant, controlled, and suppressed they cannot expect them to have hope, dignity, equality, justice, direction and self worth. Therefore, Valdosta should terminate her 1860 Mentality of suppress, and control. Then take her rightful place in the State of Georgia beside other Metropolitan Cites of the 21st Century. Peace!
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
Cc: Closed
Mr. MAYOR AND COUNCIL! I take it, that you all are aware of the threats and racial slurs that occurred at Jaycee Shack Polling Place on 20 July 20004, during the Primary Election. When threats, and racial slurs were directed towards a local candidate-----running for public office.
It was serious enough for the Poll---to be temporarily closed—for voter safety! However, nothing was published in the Valdosta Daily times. So, local citizens, directed questions to the Valdosta Daily times, Superintendent of Election Deb Cox, and Local Law Enforcement as to—why citizens were not notified?
Twelve-days following the threats and racial slurs---the Times published two limited articles. But as Paul Harvey would say—I want to tell the rest of the story!
The name of the person threatened was not given! But I will today.
a. or that HE, was a BLACK Candidate running for public office.
b. Or that he was told by the Superintendent of Elections---not to go to the poll, because the threats were directed toward him.
c. Or that the individual arrested, left and returned to the scene.
d. Or that this person, was Minister Floyd Rose, a local property owner here---in Lowndes County Georgia.
Mr. Mayor and Council, We have lost nearly a thousand American troops in Iraq----defending freedom of the press, and freedom of speech for others. Are we, not entitled to be equally informed---here in Valdosta Georgia!
I hope that the State of Georgia will help us, insure that candidates running for public office are safe. And that no local voter, is disenfranchised in Lowndes County.
My presents reflect the love----I have for this country, and my willingness to help make it better! Thank You!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
George Rhynes August 2004
Valdosta, Georgia
The Honorable Mayor & Each Council Member (Respectively)
I addressed the Council on 22 July 2004 concerning the death of a 49-year-old white male inmate who died in the Lowndes County Jail on 21 June 2004.
His death was reported in the Valdosta Daily times on 22 June 2004. However, after thirty-one days neither his name nor the cause of death was ever reported to the public.
Therefore, I asked if you or if any member of City Council knew his name or the cause of his death. And if not? Why not?
As usual, you refused to answer, as it is your policy to do. However, every death that occurs in the Lowndes County Jail should be of concern to every citizen.
As long as elected officials and concerned citizens refuse to ask questions the cycle of pain and death will continue. We must never forget that over six (6) inmates have already died in or surrounding the Lowndes County Jail. Therefore, we cannot allow the local media, citizens; and elected officials to continue to bury their head in the sand like the legend concerning the Ostrich. While mothers and fathers continue to loose their children without pertinent questions being asked.
As a Vietnam era retired military veteran. I was lead to believe that the media, elected officials and governmental agencies had a responsibility to keep us informed. This practice was to create, trust, pride, respect, outreach, and a sense of equality and justice among us. So every American citizen would gladly take part in the electoral process of his or her government.
Moreover, it was to eliminate the perception that only the rich, and politically connected had a voice in their government. However, today, it seems that fear rules the day and night in Lowndes County Georgia. This was made known in a two-hour documentary video put together by professors and a class at Valdosta State University entitled “A Chorus of Fear.”
However, if it were your son or daughter that died in the jail. I hope that some good citizen would be concerned enough to ask questions. Perhaps, the best citizens in this Republic are those who ask questions and refuse to go along to get along.
Each of us----elected or not, have a civic duty and responsibility to find out who this 49 year old white male inmate was and the reasons surrounding his death. We must seek to keep MAN in humanity. Peace!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity!
Valdosta News Media Keep Citizens Ignorant.
--- Eleven inmates in the Lowndes County Jail requesting help from an outside source to investigate the denial of their individual Constitutional Rights, incidents being swept under the rug involving an alleged weapon, problems filing state complaint forms and getting them notarized.
--- Lowndes County Board of Commissioners failure to respond to inmates request of 23 Aug 2003, eyewitnesses in the arrest and death of a Black male motorist was never called as witnesses.
--- candidates running for public office are not treated the same at news conferences.
--- Manner in which candidates are indorsed by local news media.
---Valid registered election problems never published during a recent Mayoral, and City Council race.
--- Alleged gang activity has senior citizens afraid to come out of their homes.
--- Marches and protests against the war with Iraq goes unreported.
--- Local School being built on a controversial site (hazardous).
--- Controversial opinion columns and editorials excluded from the public, citizens to be heard at public meetings are seldom published—unless they are a group, or organization.
--- Hazardous railroad tracks in the Black community not published.
--- Several Merchants problems with panhandlers in Valdosta ignored.
---Conference Center has only one Black full time employee, while all employees of the work crews are black---with no job benefits, white applicants with medical problems being hired over blacks, present and former employees complaining of unfair hiring practices and promotions at public establishment.
--- Little investigative reporting is done to gather the facts surrounding these items of interests.
--- Therefore, local citizens have been forced to use Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, and other news outlets to keep Free Speech, and Press alive. Unquestionably, citizens must start their own newsletter, or newspaper in this South Georgia Town. Peace!
--- 15 Feb 2003 peace rally on the Court House steps, in Valdosta, Georgia, consisting of students from Valdosta State University.
--- Letters to the editors, and guest columns of a controversial nature are overly scrutinized---changed, watered down, or totally ignored, by mass media nation wide.
--- In your “Thumbs up, thumbs down” you said the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. helped to change lives for African-Americans.”
--- Opinions on war with Iraq, Senator Trent Lott, Affirmative Action, the biases in America media, and many others.
--- But not one of a controversial nature was published. However, some were published in Chicago, and other cities, the Lake Park Post published three, two in one paper, and others have been accepted for publication.
--- Only covered one side of the story after court judge verdict. The Williams family concerns were totally excluded from the article (no surprise.
--- The vanishing videotape at the intake, and the Medical Examiners Autopsy Report, and other facts of the case.
--- Former inmates, deputies, parents, attorneys, and pastors went before organizations on behalf of those that were behind bars, and could not speak for themselves.
--- Totally excluded was a 1998 Civil Action #89-54-VAL filed against the jail in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, Valdosta District concerning discrepancies at the jail.
--- Alleged torturing of inmates on a bench (the Horse), throwing people into the hole until their scars and wounds had healed.
--- They spoke of a deputy nick named “BLACK JESUS,” because of how he beat up inmates,
--- leeches coming up through the drain and showerhead,
--- 100-degree temperatures in the jail.
--- Windows sealed shut, water running all over the floor,
--- Personal mail being opened, not allowed to receive news papers,
--- Not allowed to receive newspapers, religious materials.
--- Cells with no ventilation, and no place to dispose of sanitary supplies.
--- Many guards presented their case before the NAACP, and filed EEOC complaints. Some of which have been settled,
--- An incident on the morning of 23 July 2003 at 8:30am was swept under the rug.
--- Several inmates who witnessed an officer drawing a weapon on an inmate taunting and agitating inmates. This is routine practice in the Lowndes County Jail.
--- Guards turns off fan and TV in the cell block without ventilation.
--- No air conditioning, because cell was locked because of malfunction in an inmate cell.
--- That Lowndes County Commissioners refused to respond to inmate’s complaints brought before them on 26 Aug 2003. Requesting an outside agency come into the jail and investigate the ill conditions and mistreatment of inmates.
--- That a request for answers was addressed to the Grand Jury, and District Attorney for help and relief.
--- A vanishing booking tape. (Mr. Hernage)
--- Other articles were “will new school be in harms way (near Sterling Pulp Chemicals, which manufactures sodium chlorate),
--- Sheriff admits that the jail is inhumane, former jail employee says he took 12-15 tapes from the Lowndes County Jail,
--- Valdosta City Manager denies wrongdoing in Bosch payments,
--- U.S. Supreme Court childes 11th Dist Court of Appeals, six letters to the editor with substance, Lowndes County Commission admits it knows little of water problem in the county (cadmium, and nickel contaminated (Q4) of sediment in Mud Creek),
--- a disturbing letter from South Georgia Medical Center, Bell South sues web site owner, article by Charles Moore (editor).
--- Failed to report a complete story of SANKOFA. The Celebration of African American History Month at Valdosta State University Office of Equal Opportunity Programs and Multicultural Affairs presented SANKOFA. This African American Cultural Museum on Wheels with Angela Jennings, Curator/Director of Denmark, South Carolina, was an educational experience for all that attended.
--- On 21 October 1997, he issued a Court Order and Consent Decree that inmates 1st, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States had been violated. He gave two (2), years for Lowndes County to comply.
--- After standing before you on behalf of (over) eleven (11) inmates, their parents, and former employees---for relief... You ignored our request. All I could give them was the 35TH Psalm of David, as a symbol of hope!
--- Several Professors from Valdosta State University put together a two-hour documentary video. This video was entitled "A Chorus of Fear" documenting the horror stories and the conditions that has festered in this South Georgia town---for decades.
--- Each member of the City Councilman and each Lowndes County Commissioner were given a copy of the Video "A Chorus of Fear." However, it seems that fear reigns supreme in Lowndes County Georgia.
--- The Honorable Jack Kingston, Rep Sandfort Bishop, Lt Governor…
--- Questions addressing pertinent questions were never reported to the public.
1. In the State of Georgia is there a requirement for County Law Enforcement Policy and Procedures Manual to be kept up to date in County Jails? If so, is this manual available for citizens to checkout and review?
2. Does Georgia require a Staffing Analysis of Jails by the Department of Community Affairs or the Georgia Sheriffs Association? If so, where can citizens obtain results of such reviews?
3. When it is determined by a U.S. District Court Judge in the State of Georgia that Jailed Inmates Constitutional Rights have been violated:
a. Who ensures that corrections are made? Who is held responsible for complying with a U.S. District Court Order and Consent Decree?
b. Is there a requirement for the Federal, State, County, and City government to inspect jails within the State of Georgia?
c. Does the Federal, State, or County Governments provide a checklist to Georgia Grand Juries on requirements of Jails in the State of Georgia?
4. When complaints of abuse and mistreatment of Jailed Inmates in a Georgia County Jail have been identified by the courts. Is it permitted to send surveys within a jailed to pool the jail population? (To insure inmates Constitutional and State Rights are not being violated).
5. If you are notified of an abusive jail situation who would you recommend citizens contact to resolve inmates alleged problems of abuse? (When local citizens cannot get a response from their elected officials).
6. Is the Foreman of the Grand Jury and each member properly educated/trained on proper guidelines for reviewing Georgia Jails? If not, why are they permitted to tour the jail and give a report---on jail conditions?
7. In the State of Georgia who performs oversight review of County Sheriffs Departments? And who insures that inmate complaints are adequately investigated IAW Federal, State, and Local policies if applicable?
8. Who insures, that those who use the complaint system are not retaliated against for using the Georgia Inmate Complaint System?
9. Are inmate’s personal/Official U.S. Mail within the State of Georgia allowed to be opened outside the inmates (view), presents? If so, under what conditions? Moreover, do the State of Georgia band newspapers, and other religious literature from certain religious persuasions?
10. Is Medical Staff at a County Jail inspected on their competence and professionalism? If so, by whom? How often? Where can documentation be found?
11. In the case of a U.S. District Court Order. Who insures that all discrepancies are fixed and complied with within a County Jail in the State of Georgia?
12. What Federal, State or County Manual governs Georgia County Jail Standards? In addition, who has authority/Jurisdiction over a County Sheriff within the State of Georgia? If anyone?
On 22 June 2004, our local news paper the Valdosta Daily Times reported that Capt Yeager of the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Department said: That a 49 year old white male died of unknown causes at about 4:30 p.m. in his cell at the jail.
The name of the inmate is being with held until the family is notified. To date, to my knowledge this information has not been released to the general public.
On 15 April 2004, Vol. 17 NO. 2. The Post, a weekly newspaper reported
the following deaths: Rosemary King age 40, died, on 20 June 2001,
Ronzie “Sonny” Graham, age 48, died, on 13 July 2000, Willie James
Williams age 49, died, on 2 Sept 1998, Willie Lee Gay age 39, died, on
23 Oct 1995, and years earlier Willie McFarland also died to mention a
few without the complete record. (Al Parson owner and editor, The Post,
229-242-7179, FAX 229-242-7143).
This prolonged lack of attention can only be compared to a week of terror in Brooks and Lowndes County in 1918---wherein over ten Black American citizens were killed:
They were Hayes Turner, Mary Turner, Will Head, Will Thompson, Sidney Johnson, an eight month old fetus, Willie Schuman, and three other black individuals whose name were with held but included in the Governors investigation report.
It was a white Georgia Governor Hugh M. Dorsey that took a strong stand for law, order, and justice---instead of chaos.
20 June 2004 threats were made on a local candidates’ freedom and well being. These threats and racial epitaphs were made at a polling place in Lowndes County. Moreover, 911 was called but the again the local population knows nothing about this incident.
It appears that this too will be pushed under the table and not reported to the public by local news media networks.
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
Saturday, July 4, 2009
1860 Valdosta City Charter Removed from the wall. But was it replaced in the heart?
August 4, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Editors, Concerned Citizens, and Organizations of America, & the Outside World!
SUBJECT: Freedom of the Press in South Georgia Metropolitan City!
Freedom of the press seems non-existent in Valdosta, Georgia in the 21st Century. Students and professors at Valdosta State University made this clear a few years ago in a two-hour documentary video entitled “A Chorus of Fear.” This video revealed how wide spread the infection of fear, alleged censorship, and the good OLE boy network is here---in Lowndes County Georgia.
It took thirty-five days for our only daily newspaper to release the name of John Henry Dejonghe, a 49- year- old White male inmate of Fort Myers, Florida, that died on 21 June 2004 while in the Lowndes County Jail. Seventy-three days have passed and the public still do not know the cause of his death. Local news media seems to be controlled both day and night. As a result citizens suffer for the lace of information. However, local organizations continue to add their omissions to their forever growing organizational archives.
No one knows when Freedom of the Press ceased to exist in our county. However, history records that in 1918, in Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia twelve Blacks were killed in one week. They were Will Head, Will Thompson, Haynes Turner, Eugene Rice, Simon Schuman, Three other unidentified Black men, Mary Turner, her 8th Month old fetus, Chime Riley, and Sidney Johnson were lynched, and some were burned to a crisp.
While the body of Sidney Johnson was un-sexed, then they threw the amputated parts into the street in front of the house, and then tied an end of a rope around Johnson’s neck. The other end was tied to an automobile and dragged in open daylight down Patterson Street here in Valdosta Georgia---as the crowd watched in glee.
After Eighty-six years the perpetrators of these crimes still have not been brought to justice. However, Blacks for generations have passed these real life tragedies on to their children----never to be forgotten. As long as they are discussed these dead will have peace in the hereafter! Even more sickening was the eighth month old Black Fetus that was cut from the abdomen of its mother---Mary Turner with a hog knife by a man of an organized mob. Then the Fetus’ head was crushed beneath his foot as the fetus fell to the ground giving out two weakling sounds---so wrote Lerone Bennett in the book “Before the Mayflower.” These twelve deaths do not include those Black victims our grandparents passed down to us by word of mouth in Brooks, Lowndes, and Thomas County. Yet, no one was brought before the Bar of Justice---for committing these crimes against Black African Americans.
It was only by Georgia Governor Hugh A. Dorsey’s quick action concerning the twelve victims, was Law and Order restored in South Georgia. The Governor was touched by cries of injustice in Brooks, and Lowndes County from Blacks that reached the Governor’s Office. More recently in Sept 1998, Willie James Williams died under suspicion and galvanized nearly 2,000 citizens and they marched on the Lowndes County Jail seeking justice. While our local newspapers and TV, outlets remained bias in their reporting.
On 15 April 2004, Vol. 17 No. 2. It was The Lake Park Post, a weekly newspaper that is highly respected by common citizens but hated by those who are unwilling to accept change. They reported the following inmates had died in or surrounding the Lowndes County Jail, Rosemary King, Ronzie “Sonny” Graham, Willie James Williams, Willie Lee Gay, Willard McFarland, and now John Henry Dejonghe to mention a few. Historically, local newspapers, and the media seldom if ever informs the public on real matters that is of major interest to the Black Community. The old 1860 mentality seems to remain in a cleverly disguised Good Ole Boy network.
However, when a city or group of Good Ole Boys, keep its citizen ignorant, controlled, and suppressed they cannot expect them to have hope, dignity, equality, justice, direction and self worth. Therefore, Valdosta should terminate her 1860 Mentality of suppress, and control. Then take her place beside other Metropolitan cities in the State of Georgia and the nation. Peace!
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
Cc: Closed
February 23, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Valdosta Mayor and Council
SUBJECT: Displaying the Valdosta City Charter of 1860, near the Hall of Justice in Valdosta Georgia!
As the Georgia State Flag issue will be revisited, voted upon, and hopefully---resolved in the upcoming election.
The Citizens of Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia, should be focused on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall---leading into the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards. Where one will discover a copy of a framed, Valdosta City Charter of 1860, displayed on the wall that was passed by the Georgia General Assembly of 1860, Valdosta (No. 108).
100: Section XI, “the Mayor and Council, they shall pass all proper and necessary laws and ordinances for the control of slaves and free persons of color in said town and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”
It is mind boggling as to why our elected officials have allowed this 1860, Charter to be displayed so close to the Valdosta Municipal Court Room—in the first place. Where American citizens must come in hope of receiving equal justice under the law in the State of Georgia---in the 21st Century.
This document does little to complement Georgia’s Justice System---here in Lowndes County. Especially for citizens whose ancestors were slaves and veterans today---who served and paid the ultimate price to keep America a free and democratic society.
While we cannot, nor should we try to hide the facts of history. It is of utmost importance that we remove even a stake from deceased remains---if within our heart of compassion to do so.
Therefore, as a moral and ethical gesture, the new Valdosta, City Charter should be on display, or the 1860 charter be removed and placed in a location away from the Hall of Justice in Valdosta---to the City Museum. The symbolism and insensitivity of displaying this 1860, City Charter is inappropriate at this period in Georgia, and American history.
As a retired United States Air Force Vietnam era veteran, I cannot understand why this document is displaced near the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom. Because too many Georgians suffered, bleed, and died to preserve the right to be respected as human beings and not as live stock, or second class citizens.
Therefore, it is my hope, and others prayer---that someone will do the right thing in the 21st Century. That the healing process may begin by being sensitive to others---for the overall good of our community, state, nation, and world. Peace!
This letter is addressed to you in an attempt to resolve this situation as soon as possible!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity!
Cc: Lake Park Post, Valdosta, Daily times, Valdosta, Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP, Peoples Tribunal, WCTV – Channel 6, WALB TV – Channel 10
February 28, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31601
Dear Editor/Message Boards & Internet Blogs
Recently on C-Span the question was asked---is Freedom of Speech being curtailed in America since President Bush took office?
After writing many opinion columns and being published in several newspapers across the country including U.S. Today---I say Yes!
For Example: Here in Valdosta, Georgia on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards. There is a copy of a framed Valdosta City Charter of 1860, displayed on the wall approved by the Georgia General Assembly of 1860. Valdosta (No. 108), which reads Par., 100, Section XI, “THE MAYOR, AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES, AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSE, OR OTHER STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES."
It seems that our local news media and elected officials see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this document in the 21st Century. Nevertheless, it offends people of conscious and has been discussed on Valdosta State University campus by students and professionals.
It was on 19 February 2004, when I noticed this charter and immediately wrote our Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV, Channel 6, WALB Channel 10, Valdosta-NAACP, other local news media outlets, and organizations.
However, no media coverage has been given to this issue. It appears that some would like to see this issue disappear like the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, who died under strange circumstances while in the custody of Law enforcement.
It appears that local citizens are not informed by the media when it comes to alleged gang activity, elections discrepancies at the polls---even after being informed in writing, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity.
Protests against war with Iraq, eleven incarcerated inmates requested help in the Lowndes County Jail and believed their Constitutional Rights were being denied an alleged incident involving a weapon at the jail was being swept under the rug.
However, after inmates concerns were presented to the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners on 26 Aug 2003, with news media present nothing was reported to the citizens of Lowndes County concerning their request. In addition, Lowndes County Commissioners have yet to respond to their requests for help!
In addition, Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center has only one black person in a management position, while all members of the work crews are black with no job benefits. Applicants and present employees complain of unfair hiring practices but little if any investigative reporting is done in Lowndes County!
Therefore, many citizens are (now), turning to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, and outside agencies for help to resolve the problems within this South Georgia Town.
Yes! It appears that Freedom of Speech in America and Georgia seems to be in jeopardy, at the expense of the people. Peace!
March 1, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31601
TO: Message Boards, and American Patriots of Free Speech!
Recently on C-Span the question was asked if our freedoms had been curtailed under the present administration.
After submitting many opinion columns, and being published in the Chicago Sun times, Albany Herald, Tallahassee Democrat, USA-Today and other papers. I believe our rights are fading---even here in Valdosta, where a framed copy of an 1860, City Charter is displayed near the Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards.
This charter reads (Par 100, Section XI), “The Mayor and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws or ordinances for the control of slaves, and free persons of color in said town and suppress, and abate all nuisances arising from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”
Apparently, our elected officials and local news media see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this charter. However, many people of conscious are very much offended and want it removed to the City Museum.
When I observed this document I wrote the Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV Channel 6, WALB TV Channel 10, Valdosta NAACP, Peoples Tribunal, and other local news media outlets.
As of 2 Mar 2004, nothing has been published by any Local News Media in South Georgia concerning this matter. Although, several web-sites have published it on the Internet with a copy of the 1860 City Charter.
This lack of local coverage is nothing new in this area: For example, the complete circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, and how eye witnesses of his arrest was never called as witnesses, eleven incarcerated inmates in the county jail requesting help from an outside agencies have been ignored by local media, and our County Commissioners since 26 Aug 03.
Moreover, an alleged incident at the jail involving a deputy and a weapon has been sweep under the rug----says eleven inmates, and that they often have problems filing complaints and getting them notarized.
In addition, candidates running for City Council was not equally represented at a news conference, valid election problems in the last City Mayoral and Council race went unreported in the news, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity, protests and marches against war with Iraq, local school allegedly being built on an unsafe land site.
Also, individual complaints are seldom reported from City and County monthly meetings--unless they are in groups or represented by an organization, hazardous railroad tracks in the black community, an International exhibit of African American History on Wheels were brought in by Valdosta State University---but never made front page coverage in our local paper newspaper, the Valdosta Lowndes County Conference Center has only one Black employee in a management position, while 100% of work-crews are black---with no job benefits, applicants and people on staff speaks of unfair hiring practices. However, there is little if any investigative reporting to try to rectify these community problems.
Therefore, many citizens have turned to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, congress, senate, and other means to ensure local citizens are informed. Therefore, it appears that local citizens have no alternative but to begin a newsletter in this South Georgia Town.
Yes! Freedom of Speech seems to have been curtailed in America at the expense of the American people. Peace!
March 11, 2004
George B. Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Valdosta City Council & Mayor
SUBJECT: LETTER Received From Mayor and Council (Responding to my letter)
Thank you for your response to my letter requesting that the 1860 City of Valdosta charter be retired to a location away from the Municipal Courtroom. Away from where all citizens come in the hope of receiving equal justice under the law, and be respected as a full American Citizens under the Law in the State of Georgia----in the 21st Century.
In your letter par 1, you said that the 1860 charter allowed for the creation of our city, as it was developed by the state officials, and our local forefathers---of that time.
Mr. Mayor and Council:
a. Webster’s-Dictionary third edition defines {forefathers} as a male ancestor. What ancestor male or female---would want to control, suppress, enslave, and abate a fellow human being…
b. Webster defines “ABATE” as beat down, reduce, moderate, diminish, and lessen. In addition, in Section XI, of this 1860 Charter, we find the word Nuisances. Webster defines this word as annoying or obnoxious person or thing.
Which brings us back to: Section XI of the Charter: QUOTE! “The Mayor, and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws, and ordinances for the control of SLAVES, and FREE PERSONS OF COLOR, in said town (Valdosta), and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town (Valdosta), or from other causes.”
You agreed with me that we should not hide the facts of history or deny that which has come before us. Moreover, that the same logic should be applied to the items displayed in City Hall for over 20 years. Also that the 1860 charter is the City’s first Charter, remains a permanent record both in Valdosta, as well as in the “State Records Archives,” and cannot be ignored.
Twenty years Mr. Mayor and Council---is not a long period of time----to want for your neighbor, that which you want and have for yourself---and your children.
It is recorded in the Library of Congress---that some of our ancestors first came to these shores aboard a slave ship called Jesus. It was captained by one Sir John Hawkins, in the year of 1555 that’s 449 years ago. According to American History, they were treated worst than live stock, called 3/5th of a human being. As the charter stipulates, they were controlled, chained, suppressed, and totally humiliated before the world. If this 1860 charter were addressing my “Jewish brothers and sisters”, there would be no ripples in the water!
Mr. Mayor and Council----Speaking of Archives: In the Black Archives, at FAMU, and many other institutions, museums, and libraries, around the world. There are millions of artifacts, pictures of pain, of strange fruits---that trees did not bare. We do not want them displayed along these walls---to inflict pain and shame on another human being.
We are called to the Moral High Ground of love, justice, and equality for all of Gods Children. Whether it is today, tomorrow or the next century, this issue will be resolved by men, and women of conscious, love, compassion, and understanding.
Our world is moving towards the union of the one God, for the one universal people. Therefore, I take my seat by saying, “LUKE 4:18,” should be read and fully understood!
You see when truth comes, insensitivity, injustice, separation and falsehood must vanish. Because falsehood is forever a vanishing thing!
When I look at my Retirement Certificate, after placing my live on the line for over 20 years. Then look up at this 1860, document that tells all Black People---that they are still 2nd class citizens, and referred to in the same paragraph as---dogs, hogs, horses, and beasts of the field.
However, our God has instructed us---to treat our neighbors, as we ourselves want to be treated! These words probably will not change your conscious. Nevertheless, there is a plumb line of justice, by which we must all---align ourselves up beside! To prepare for the last Council Meeting!
George B. Rhynes
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Editors, Concerned Citizens, and Organizations of America, & the Outside World!
SUBJECT: Freedom of the Press in South Georgia Metropolitan City!
Freedom of the press seems non-existent in Valdosta, Georgia in the 21st Century. Students and professors at Valdosta State University made this clear a few years ago in a two-hour documentary video entitled “A Chorus of Fear.” This video revealed how wide spread the infection of fear, alleged censorship, and the good OLE boy network is here---in Lowndes County Georgia.
It took thirty-five days for our only daily newspaper to release the name of John Henry Dejonghe, a 49- year- old White male inmate of Fort Myers, Florida, that died on 21 June 2004 while in the Lowndes County Jail. Seventy-three days have passed and the public still do not know the cause of his death. Local news media seems to be controlled both day and night. As a result citizens suffer for the lace of information. However, local organizations continue to add their omissions to their forever growing organizational archives.
No one knows when Freedom of the Press ceased to exist in our county. However, history records that in 1918, in Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia twelve Blacks were killed in one week. They were Will Head, Will Thompson, Haynes Turner, Eugene Rice, Simon Schuman, Three other unidentified Black men, Mary Turner, her 8th Month old fetus, Chime Riley, and Sidney Johnson were lynched, and some were burned to a crisp.
While the body of Sidney Johnson was un-sexed, then they threw the amputated parts into the street in front of the house, and then tied an end of a rope around Johnson’s neck. The other end was tied to an automobile and dragged in open daylight down Patterson Street here in Valdosta Georgia---as the crowd watched in glee.
After Eighty-six years the perpetrators of these crimes still have not been brought to justice. However, Blacks for generations have passed these real life tragedies on to their children----never to be forgotten. As long as they are discussed these dead will have peace in the hereafter! Even more sickening was the eighth month old Black Fetus that was cut from the abdomen of its mother---Mary Turner with a hog knife by a man of an organized mob. Then the Fetus’ head was crushed beneath his foot as the fetus fell to the ground giving out two weakling sounds---so wrote Lerone Bennett in the book “Before the Mayflower.” These twelve deaths do not include those Black victims our grandparents passed down to us by word of mouth in Brooks, Lowndes, and Thomas County. Yet, no one was brought before the Bar of Justice---for committing these crimes against Black African Americans.
It was only by Georgia Governor Hugh A. Dorsey’s quick action concerning the twelve victims, was Law and Order restored in South Georgia. The Governor was touched by cries of injustice in Brooks, and Lowndes County from Blacks that reached the Governor’s Office. More recently in Sept 1998, Willie James Williams died under suspicion and galvanized nearly 2,000 citizens and they marched on the Lowndes County Jail seeking justice. While our local newspapers and TV, outlets remained bias in their reporting.
On 15 April 2004, Vol. 17 No. 2. It was The Lake Park Post, a weekly newspaper that is highly respected by common citizens but hated by those who are unwilling to accept change. They reported the following inmates had died in or surrounding the Lowndes County Jail, Rosemary King, Ronzie “Sonny” Graham, Willie James Williams, Willie Lee Gay, Willard McFarland, and now John Henry Dejonghe to mention a few. Historically, local newspapers, and the media seldom if ever informs the public on real matters that is of major interest to the Black Community. The old 1860 mentality seems to remain in a cleverly disguised Good Ole Boy network.
However, when a city or group of Good Ole Boys, keep its citizen ignorant, controlled, and suppressed they cannot expect them to have hope, dignity, equality, justice, direction and self worth. Therefore, Valdosta should terminate her 1860 Mentality of suppress, and control. Then take her place beside other Metropolitan cities in the State of Georgia and the nation. Peace!
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
Cc: Closed
February 23, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Valdosta Mayor and Council
SUBJECT: Displaying the Valdosta City Charter of 1860, near the Hall of Justice in Valdosta Georgia!
As the Georgia State Flag issue will be revisited, voted upon, and hopefully---resolved in the upcoming election.
The Citizens of Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia, should be focused on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall---leading into the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards. Where one will discover a copy of a framed, Valdosta City Charter of 1860, displayed on the wall that was passed by the Georgia General Assembly of 1860, Valdosta (No. 108).
100: Section XI, “the Mayor and Council, they shall pass all proper and necessary laws and ordinances for the control of slaves and free persons of color in said town and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”
It is mind boggling as to why our elected officials have allowed this 1860, Charter to be displayed so close to the Valdosta Municipal Court Room—in the first place. Where American citizens must come in hope of receiving equal justice under the law in the State of Georgia---in the 21st Century.
This document does little to complement Georgia’s Justice System---here in Lowndes County. Especially for citizens whose ancestors were slaves and veterans today---who served and paid the ultimate price to keep America a free and democratic society.
While we cannot, nor should we try to hide the facts of history. It is of utmost importance that we remove even a stake from deceased remains---if within our heart of compassion to do so.
Therefore, as a moral and ethical gesture, the new Valdosta, City Charter should be on display, or the 1860 charter be removed and placed in a location away from the Hall of Justice in Valdosta---to the City Museum. The symbolism and insensitivity of displaying this 1860, City Charter is inappropriate at this period in Georgia, and American history.
As a retired United States Air Force Vietnam era veteran, I cannot understand why this document is displaced near the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom. Because too many Georgians suffered, bleed, and died to preserve the right to be respected as human beings and not as live stock, or second class citizens.
Therefore, it is my hope, and others prayer---that someone will do the right thing in the 21st Century. That the healing process may begin by being sensitive to others---for the overall good of our community, state, nation, and world. Peace!
This letter is addressed to you in an attempt to resolve this situation as soon as possible!
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity!
Cc: Lake Park Post, Valdosta, Daily times, Valdosta, Lowndes County Branch of the NAACP, Peoples Tribunal, WCTV – Channel 6, WALB TV – Channel 10
February 28, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31601
Dear Editor/Message Boards & Internet Blogs
Recently on C-Span the question was asked---is Freedom of Speech being curtailed in America since President Bush took office?
After writing many opinion columns and being published in several newspapers across the country including U.S. Today---I say Yes!
For Example: Here in Valdosta, Georgia on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards. There is a copy of a framed Valdosta City Charter of 1860, displayed on the wall approved by the Georgia General Assembly of 1860. Valdosta (No. 108), which reads Par., 100, Section XI, “THE MAYOR, AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES, AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSE, OR OTHER STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES."
It seems that our local news media and elected officials see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this document in the 21st Century. Nevertheless, it offends people of conscious and has been discussed on Valdosta State University campus by students and professionals.
It was on 19 February 2004, when I noticed this charter and immediately wrote our Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV, Channel 6, WALB Channel 10, Valdosta-NAACP, other local news media outlets, and organizations.
However, no media coverage has been given to this issue. It appears that some would like to see this issue disappear like the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, who died under strange circumstances while in the custody of Law enforcement.
It appears that local citizens are not informed by the media when it comes to alleged gang activity, elections discrepancies at the polls---even after being informed in writing, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity.
Protests against war with Iraq, eleven incarcerated inmates requested help in the Lowndes County Jail and believed their Constitutional Rights were being denied an alleged incident involving a weapon at the jail was being swept under the rug.
However, after inmates concerns were presented to the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners on 26 Aug 2003, with news media present nothing was reported to the citizens of Lowndes County concerning their request. In addition, Lowndes County Commissioners have yet to respond to their requests for help!
In addition, Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center has only one black person in a management position, while all members of the work crews are black with no job benefits. Applicants and present employees complain of unfair hiring practices but little if any investigative reporting is done in Lowndes County!
Therefore, many citizens are (now), turning to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, and outside agencies for help to resolve the problems within this South Georgia Town.
Yes! It appears that Freedom of Speech in America and Georgia seems to be in jeopardy, at the expense of the people. Peace!
March 1, 2004
George Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31601
TO: Message Boards, and American Patriots of Free Speech!
Recently on C-Span the question was asked if our freedoms had been curtailed under the present administration.
After submitting many opinion columns, and being published in the Chicago Sun times, Albany Herald, Tallahassee Democrat, USA-Today and other papers. I believe our rights are fading---even here in Valdosta, where a framed copy of an 1860, City Charter is displayed near the Municipal Courtroom of Judge Edwards.
This charter reads (Par 100, Section XI), “The Mayor and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws or ordinances for the control of slaves, and free persons of color in said town and suppress, and abate all nuisances arising from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town, or from other causes.”
Apparently, our elected officials and local news media see nothing wrong or offensive in displaying this charter. However, many people of conscious are very much offended and want it removed to the City Museum.
When I observed this document I wrote the Mayor, City Council, Valdosta Daily Times, WCTV Channel 6, WALB TV Channel 10, Valdosta NAACP, Peoples Tribunal, and other local news media outlets.
As of 2 Mar 2004, nothing has been published by any Local News Media in South Georgia concerning this matter. Although, several web-sites have published it on the Internet with a copy of the 1860 City Charter.
This lack of local coverage is nothing new in this area: For example, the complete circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Willie James Williams, and how eye witnesses of his arrest was never called as witnesses, eleven incarcerated inmates in the county jail requesting help from an outside agencies have been ignored by local media, and our County Commissioners since 26 Aug 03.
Moreover, an alleged incident at the jail involving a deputy and a weapon has been sweep under the rug----says eleven inmates, and that they often have problems filing complaints and getting them notarized.
In addition, candidates running for City Council was not equally represented at a news conference, valid election problems in the last City Mayoral and Council race went unreported in the news, elderly citizens are afraid to come out of their homes because of alleged gang activity, protests and marches against war with Iraq, local school allegedly being built on an unsafe land site.
Also, individual complaints are seldom reported from City and County monthly meetings--unless they are in groups or represented by an organization, hazardous railroad tracks in the black community, an International exhibit of African American History on Wheels were brought in by Valdosta State University---but never made front page coverage in our local paper newspaper, the Valdosta Lowndes County Conference Center has only one Black employee in a management position, while 100% of work-crews are black---with no job benefits, applicants and people on staff speaks of unfair hiring practices. However, there is little if any investigative reporting to try to rectify these community problems.
Therefore, many citizens have turned to Message Boards, Blogs, Internet, congress, senate, and other means to ensure local citizens are informed. Therefore, it appears that local citizens have no alternative but to begin a newsletter in this South Georgia Town.
Yes! Freedom of Speech seems to have been curtailed in America at the expense of the American people. Peace!
March 11, 2004
George B. Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Valdosta City Council & Mayor
SUBJECT: LETTER Received From Mayor and Council (Responding to my letter)
Thank you for your response to my letter requesting that the 1860 City of Valdosta charter be retired to a location away from the Municipal Courtroom. Away from where all citizens come in the hope of receiving equal justice under the law, and be respected as a full American Citizens under the Law in the State of Georgia----in the 21st Century.
In your letter par 1, you said that the 1860 charter allowed for the creation of our city, as it was developed by the state officials, and our local forefathers---of that time.
Mr. Mayor and Council:
a. Webster’s-Dictionary third edition defines {forefathers} as a male ancestor. What ancestor male or female---would want to control, suppress, enslave, and abate a fellow human being…
b. Webster defines “ABATE” as beat down, reduce, moderate, diminish, and lessen. In addition, in Section XI, of this 1860 Charter, we find the word Nuisances. Webster defines this word as annoying or obnoxious person or thing.
Which brings us back to: Section XI of the Charter: QUOTE! “The Mayor, and Council shall pass all proper and necessary laws, and ordinances for the control of SLAVES, and FREE PERSONS OF COLOR, in said town (Valdosta), and suppress and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, or other stock straying at large in said town (Valdosta), or from other causes.”
You agreed with me that we should not hide the facts of history or deny that which has come before us. Moreover, that the same logic should be applied to the items displayed in City Hall for over 20 years. Also that the 1860 charter is the City’s first Charter, remains a permanent record both in Valdosta, as well as in the “State Records Archives,” and cannot be ignored.
Twenty years Mr. Mayor and Council---is not a long period of time----to want for your neighbor, that which you want and have for yourself---and your children.
It is recorded in the Library of Congress---that some of our ancestors first came to these shores aboard a slave ship called Jesus. It was captained by one Sir John Hawkins, in the year of 1555 that’s 449 years ago. According to American History, they were treated worst than live stock, called 3/5th of a human being. As the charter stipulates, they were controlled, chained, suppressed, and totally humiliated before the world. If this 1860 charter were addressing my “Jewish brothers and sisters”, there would be no ripples in the water!
Mr. Mayor and Council----Speaking of Archives: In the Black Archives, at FAMU, and many other institutions, museums, and libraries, around the world. There are millions of artifacts, pictures of pain, of strange fruits---that trees did not bare. We do not want them displayed along these walls---to inflict pain and shame on another human being.
We are called to the Moral High Ground of love, justice, and equality for all of Gods Children. Whether it is today, tomorrow or the next century, this issue will be resolved by men, and women of conscious, love, compassion, and understanding.
Our world is moving towards the union of the one God, for the one universal people. Therefore, I take my seat by saying, “LUKE 4:18,” should be read and fully understood!
You see when truth comes, insensitivity, injustice, separation and falsehood must vanish. Because falsehood is forever a vanishing thing!
When I look at my Retirement Certificate, after placing my live on the line for over 20 years. Then look up at this 1860, document that tells all Black People---that they are still 2nd class citizens, and referred to in the same paragraph as---dogs, hogs, horses, and beasts of the field.
However, our God has instructed us---to treat our neighbors, as we ourselves want to be treated! These words probably will not change your conscious. Nevertheless, there is a plumb line of justice, by which we must all---align ourselves up beside! To prepare for the last Council Meeting!
George B. Rhynes
A concerned citizens and brother of humanity!
Women Needed On Valdosta City Council "Men have HAD their chance and failed".
July 1, 2009
George Boson Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Editors, Citizens, Internet, and Http://
And Beyond
This is an open letter to all qualified women in Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. On Wednesday August 29, 2007, the Valdosta Daily Times published my Letter to the Editor with headlines “I would like to see a woman on the Valdosta City Council.”
However today, I would like to see at least three (3), women on the Valdosta City Council since our present city council members have ignored several questions put before them on several major issues. Men have dominated our council for decades with little change in many areas of our community.
Therefore, I believe we need women to step forth and serve and to vigorously address the real concerns in our beloved community without wavering or buckling under certain pressure that be.
There is absolutely no valid reason why women cannot be elected to the Valdosta City Council in our Metropolitan Metropolis in the next election. We are the home of Moody Air Force Base Retired Men and Women, Valdosta State University, Kinderlou Golf Course, retired educators from various schools, Wild Adventure, ordained female pastors, attorneys, doctors, and ministers from all religious faiths, etc.
Therefore Valdosta is overdue for not just one but several qualified women to serve in the capacity of Valdosta City Councilwomen, and most importantly as Mayor of our beautiful city. I believe few will disagree that we need a female touch of class, input, sense of direction, and true professionalism on our city governing body.
So ladies if you please, do me a favor and step forward for the benefit of our daughters, sons and for the greater good of both Valdosta and Lowndes County. And don’t allow another Valdosta City Election to pass without your fare share of women candidates on the Valdosta City Ballot to represent your interests.
If you run, we’ll vote you in. So don’t keep looking for change, but be the change we all need.
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
Valdosta, Georgia
Site to keep the general public aware of their local governments, and thank God for Community Free Speech TV, and Internet Web Sites…
Two heads may be better than one but never forget which one belongs to you. {GBR}
George Boson Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
TO: Editors, Citizens, Internet, and Http://
And Beyond
This is an open letter to all qualified women in Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. On Wednesday August 29, 2007, the Valdosta Daily Times published my Letter to the Editor with headlines “I would like to see a woman on the Valdosta City Council.”
However today, I would like to see at least three (3), women on the Valdosta City Council since our present city council members have ignored several questions put before them on several major issues. Men have dominated our council for decades with little change in many areas of our community.
Therefore, I believe we need women to step forth and serve and to vigorously address the real concerns in our beloved community without wavering or buckling under certain pressure that be.
There is absolutely no valid reason why women cannot be elected to the Valdosta City Council in our Metropolitan Metropolis in the next election. We are the home of Moody Air Force Base Retired Men and Women, Valdosta State University, Kinderlou Golf Course, retired educators from various schools, Wild Adventure, ordained female pastors, attorneys, doctors, and ministers from all religious faiths, etc.
Therefore Valdosta is overdue for not just one but several qualified women to serve in the capacity of Valdosta City Councilwomen, and most importantly as Mayor of our beautiful city. I believe few will disagree that we need a female touch of class, input, sense of direction, and true professionalism on our city governing body.
So ladies if you please, do me a favor and step forward for the benefit of our daughters, sons and for the greater good of both Valdosta and Lowndes County. And don’t allow another Valdosta City Election to pass without your fare share of women candidates on the Valdosta City Ballot to represent your interests.
If you run, we’ll vote you in. So don’t keep looking for change, but be the change we all need.
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
Valdosta, Georgia
Site to keep the general public aware of their local governments, and thank God for Community Free Speech TV, and Internet Web Sites…
Two heads may be better than one but never forget which one belongs to you. {GBR}
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Stop the Back Door Politics In Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia! Citizens have a right to know! Valdosta City Council Meetings Televised....
June 20, 2009,
George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31605
TO: Valdosta City Mayor, Council Members, Citizens, and Beyond…
Mr. Mayor and Council. I thank you all for answering my questions put before you a few weeks ago. Your timely response represents our government at its best. However, I never received an answer to my question that Valdosta City Council Meetings be televised. I would like to see our council meetings televised, as the Rev. Martin L. King Jr. Corridor Program was recently. This program gave the general public a golden opportunity to see their elected officials working to move our city forward towards change and inclusion.
I believe the citizens have a right to know what is going on during these meetings, and not be hoodwinked. If these meetings had been televised, Rev. Rose would NOT be here today, asking Councilman Yost to explain a comment he made at the last meeting. We the people would already know. Then Mayor Fretti Interrupted, “George if you will send me an e-mail, I will take care of that part of your concerns?” Yes Sir! Thank you sir, I will do that.
Mr. Mayor and Council allow me to explain what I mean: On May 16, 2009, a Commemoration Program was held in Hahira for Mary Turner. She was a Black female that was lynched upside down, in her eight months pregnancy, her baby was ripped from her womb with a pocket knife, the baby gave out two screams her head fell to the ground, and crushed beneath a white mob member boot.
a. Mary Turner the mother of three, was then doused in gasoline, motor oil, burned to a crisp, her body was riddled with bullets, and they marked her grave with a whisky bottle, near the Little Bridge Bride---in May 1918 in Brooks County Georgia just outside the city limits of Hahira.
b. This sad and disgraceful day has become known in Georgia, and World History the world over as “A Week of Terror” in Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia. People came from around the country to pay respect during this historical event. There were Black and White Citizens who came together with other Civil and Human Rights organizations to honor the untimely death of Mary Turner and the other twelve murders committed in May 1918.
c. As my comments from last week’s meeting were not published to the general public about having these meetings published for all to see. And the comments by another citizen that spoke of carrying a concealed pistol in his back pocket without a permit to protect him from potential criminals. In fact he patted his back pocket as if though he might have had it in his pocket at the time. However the general public knows absolutely nothing about this happening at last weeks meeting.
So with the increase in shootings and home invasions among other crimes in Valdosta citizens have a need to know. And in my opinion Valdosta cannot be called a Metropolitan City in truth when local television stations and newspapers refuse to inform the general public of news worthy events in our community or pretend that no historical event took place in South Georgia that consisted of:
a. Over 300 people from across the nation including Mary Turner’s own family members came together at the Hahira Community Center.
b. With these 300 citizens sitting down eating breakfast, giving speeches, laughing, crying as they citizens reflected upon the death of Mary Turner and her husband Hayes Turner. Along with many other murdered victims in Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia back in May 1918.
c. A 105 Vehicle Motorcade, escorted by the Hahira Police Department from the City of Hahira to the Little River Bridge in Brooks County. As they traveled on to the official site where Mary Turner was murdered in May 1918.
d. A program with citizens from all nationalities, religious persuasions, Valdosta State University, Moody Air Force Base including retired military veterans from near and far spoke from the back of a pickup truck while other citizens stopped and joined in the commemoration service of Mary Turner after arriving at the site.
e. Then a temporary cross was erected where she was murdered, until an official slab and historical marker will be placed later on this year. While members of the family spoke of a possible big screen movie being done concerning “the week of terror” in Brooks and Lowndes County in the near future.
It seems that our local television stations and newspaper are bent on keeping the citizens in our community deaf, dumb, and blind to the times, and that our local media had no known justifiable reason for ignoring the commemoration program on May 16, 2009. This historical period “A Week of Terror” has been documented and this omission is nothing new to our area. Moreover, I believe our local media has done a great disservice to our beloved community in 2009.
a. How many of you ----read anything in our local newspaper, or saw the event on our local TV Stations, covering this event in Hahira on May 16, 2009? A long pause…none of you, no not one. Because our local controlled mass media-----did not report it to the general public, but like Mary Turner many citizens are getting sick and tired of being--- sick and tired of being ignored for whatever reason.
b. We must understand that ignoring certain segments of our community is nothing new. This problem has existed for decades but for some reason it continues but the citizens of Georgia still have a right o know. Instead of being kept deaf, dumb, and blind to the times. So citizens will not be able to make intelligent decisions based on facts.
Mr. Mayor and Council, I am not criticizing the council, but as long as we are seen--- as a small backwoods town with outdated news media outlets. Then our children will always be at a great lost and their parents will be unable to vote the right people into office and the Valdosta City Council will be at a great lost.
This is my letter to your June 12, 2009 request at the last council meeting. My question: Why can’t Valdosta City Council Meetings be televised like many other Metropolitan cites as many others in the State of Georgia? We must insure that our citizens are properly informed, and when truth comes, falsehood must vanish, and falsehood is forever a vanishing thing. Over and over again history tells us that truth, right, and justice will eventually win in the end---without exception. (Galatians 6; 7, Luke 4-18).
Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity
George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31605
TO: Valdosta City Mayor, Council Members, Citizens, and Beyond…
Mr. Mayor and Council. I thank you all for answering my questions put before you a few weeks ago. Your timely response represents our government at its best. However, I never received an answer to my question that Valdosta City Council Meetings be televised. I would like to see our council meetings televised, as the Rev. Martin L. King Jr. Corridor Program was recently. This program gave the general public a golden opportunity to see their elected officials working to move our city forward towards change and inclusion.
I believe the citizens have a right to know what is going on during these meetings, and not be hoodwinked. If these meetings had been televised, Rev. Rose would NOT be here today, asking Councilman Yost to explain a comment he made at the last meeting. We the people would already know. Then Mayor Fretti Interrupted, “George if you will send me an e-mail, I will take care of that part of your concerns?” Yes Sir! Thank you sir, I will do that.
Mr. Mayor and Council allow me to explain what I mean: On May 16, 2009, a Commemoration Program was held in Hahira for Mary Turner. She was a Black female that was lynched upside down, in her eight months pregnancy, her baby was ripped from her womb with a pocket knife, the baby gave out two screams her head fell to the ground, and crushed beneath a white mob member boot.
a. Mary Turner the mother of three, was then doused in gasoline, motor oil, burned to a crisp, her body was riddled with bullets, and they marked her grave with a whisky bottle, near the Little Bridge Bride---in May 1918 in Brooks County Georgia just outside the city limits of Hahira.
b. This sad and disgraceful day has become known in Georgia, and World History the world over as “A Week of Terror” in Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia. People came from around the country to pay respect during this historical event. There were Black and White Citizens who came together with other Civil and Human Rights organizations to honor the untimely death of Mary Turner and the other twelve murders committed in May 1918.
c. As my comments from last week’s meeting were not published to the general public about having these meetings published for all to see. And the comments by another citizen that spoke of carrying a concealed pistol in his back pocket without a permit to protect him from potential criminals. In fact he patted his back pocket as if though he might have had it in his pocket at the time. However the general public knows absolutely nothing about this happening at last weeks meeting.
So with the increase in shootings and home invasions among other crimes in Valdosta citizens have a need to know. And in my opinion Valdosta cannot be called a Metropolitan City in truth when local television stations and newspapers refuse to inform the general public of news worthy events in our community or pretend that no historical event took place in South Georgia that consisted of:
a. Over 300 people from across the nation including Mary Turner’s own family members came together at the Hahira Community Center.
b. With these 300 citizens sitting down eating breakfast, giving speeches, laughing, crying as they citizens reflected upon the death of Mary Turner and her husband Hayes Turner. Along with many other murdered victims in Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia back in May 1918.
c. A 105 Vehicle Motorcade, escorted by the Hahira Police Department from the City of Hahira to the Little River Bridge in Brooks County. As they traveled on to the official site where Mary Turner was murdered in May 1918.
d. A program with citizens from all nationalities, religious persuasions, Valdosta State University, Moody Air Force Base including retired military veterans from near and far spoke from the back of a pickup truck while other citizens stopped and joined in the commemoration service of Mary Turner after arriving at the site.
e. Then a temporary cross was erected where she was murdered, until an official slab and historical marker will be placed later on this year. While members of the family spoke of a possible big screen movie being done concerning “the week of terror” in Brooks and Lowndes County in the near future.
It seems that our local television stations and newspaper are bent on keeping the citizens in our community deaf, dumb, and blind to the times, and that our local media had no known justifiable reason for ignoring the commemoration program on May 16, 2009. This historical period “A Week of Terror” has been documented and this omission is nothing new to our area. Moreover, I believe our local media has done a great disservice to our beloved community in 2009.
a. How many of you ----read anything in our local newspaper, or saw the event on our local TV Stations, covering this event in Hahira on May 16, 2009? A long pause…none of you, no not one. Because our local controlled mass media-----did not report it to the general public, but like Mary Turner many citizens are getting sick and tired of being--- sick and tired of being ignored for whatever reason.
b. We must understand that ignoring certain segments of our community is nothing new. This problem has existed for decades but for some reason it continues but the citizens of Georgia still have a right o know. Instead of being kept deaf, dumb, and blind to the times. So citizens will not be able to make intelligent decisions based on facts.
Mr. Mayor and Council, I am not criticizing the council, but as long as we are seen--- as a small backwoods town with outdated news media outlets. Then our children will always be at a great lost and their parents will be unable to vote the right people into office and the Valdosta City Council will be at a great lost.
This is my letter to your June 12, 2009 request at the last council meeting. My question: Why can’t Valdosta City Council Meetings be televised like many other Metropolitan cites as many others in the State of Georgia? We must insure that our citizens are properly informed, and when truth comes, falsehood must vanish, and falsehood is forever a vanishing thing. Over and over again history tells us that truth, right, and justice will eventually win in the end---without exception. (Galatians 6; 7, Luke 4-18).
Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity
Friday, June 26, 2009
Letter to Rep. Tim Golden and Jack Kingston, Georgia Workers Rights, "Georgia At Will Employment Law" QUESTIONS NEEDS ANSWERS....
June 27, 2009
George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
To: Letter to the editor, “Open Letter to Georgia Law Makers”
Is the State of Georgia and America in general nearing a state of revolt due to employers hiring illegal immigrants and undocumented workers that has contributed to a faltering job market as American citizens suffers?
Therefore on behalf of citizens in the State of Georgia and around the nation, I would like Georgia State Representative Tim golden and Jack Kingston to provide answers to the following questions. As they relate to enforcement of city, county, state, or federal law if applicable to (employers) employing illegal aliens on various projects and job sites that increases the number of unemployed workers in the State of Georgia and around the nation?
a. What person or agency can citizens contact to report EMPLOYERS who employ illegal aliens and forcing states to pay unnecessary unemployment compensation because of un-American practices?
b. What law should citizens read to educate themselves about the hiring of illegal aliens, and undocumented workers that is increasing our taxes through paying unemployment compensations?
c. How many companies and job sites in the last two years in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia have been reviewed, inspected or monitored for the hiring of illegal aliens or undocumented workers at the expense of American citizens being unemployed?
d. How many of these companies (monitored) were identified as employing illegal workers within the last three years in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia.
e. What agency or member of law enforcement discovered the illegal activity and what was the average amount of the fine inflicted?
f. How many employers have being charged, arrested or jailed while many American citizens continue to blame immigrants and illegal aliens? (This should be of special importance when it comes to contract jobs, and road crews etc.)
g. Why should politicians criticize illegal aliens but do nothing to EMPLOYERS that employs them?
h. If homeowners are required and they are to abide by city and county codes or be charged, then should not our government monitor and control the hiring practices of EMPLOYERS that are taking jobs from the American people at taxpayer’s expense?
i. If motorists are ticket twenty-four seven for speeding violations etc. Then should not EMPLOYERS be issued citations twenty-four seven for breaking the law—instead of sending American workers to the unemployment lines and increasing our taxes due to the hiring of illegal aliens?
j. What is your stand on Georgia’s disgraceful “At will Employment law” wherein companies can fire workers for good cause, bad cause, or for no cause at all without having to give Georgia WORKERS a reason for their wrongful terminations? Do you agree with this law, and if not what are you doing to remove it from the books?
k. Finally, if motorists are charged $105.00 for one brake light being out by law enforcement? Then why cannot this same amount of force be dispersed so Americans can have a job to take care of their family and love ones? Instead of employers hiring illegal aliens during these hard economic times?
It is my desire to see our elected officials respond publicly to this Letter to the Editor so all minds and hearts of concerned citizens will be soothed, especially those who are unemployed and have exhausted all unemployment compensations or about to loose their homes---due to a lack of community jobs.
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
Valdosta, Georgia
Cc: Georgia Department of Labor
George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
To: Letter to the editor, “Open Letter to Georgia Law Makers”
Is the State of Georgia and America in general nearing a state of revolt due to employers hiring illegal immigrants and undocumented workers that has contributed to a faltering job market as American citizens suffers?
Therefore on behalf of citizens in the State of Georgia and around the nation, I would like Georgia State Representative Tim golden and Jack Kingston to provide answers to the following questions. As they relate to enforcement of city, county, state, or federal law if applicable to (employers) employing illegal aliens on various projects and job sites that increases the number of unemployed workers in the State of Georgia and around the nation?
a. What person or agency can citizens contact to report EMPLOYERS who employ illegal aliens and forcing states to pay unnecessary unemployment compensation because of un-American practices?
b. What law should citizens read to educate themselves about the hiring of illegal aliens, and undocumented workers that is increasing our taxes through paying unemployment compensations?
c. How many companies and job sites in the last two years in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia have been reviewed, inspected or monitored for the hiring of illegal aliens or undocumented workers at the expense of American citizens being unemployed?
d. How many of these companies (monitored) were identified as employing illegal workers within the last three years in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia.
e. What agency or member of law enforcement discovered the illegal activity and what was the average amount of the fine inflicted?
f. How many employers have being charged, arrested or jailed while many American citizens continue to blame immigrants and illegal aliens? (This should be of special importance when it comes to contract jobs, and road crews etc.)
g. Why should politicians criticize illegal aliens but do nothing to EMPLOYERS that employs them?
h. If homeowners are required and they are to abide by city and county codes or be charged, then should not our government monitor and control the hiring practices of EMPLOYERS that are taking jobs from the American people at taxpayer’s expense?
i. If motorists are ticket twenty-four seven for speeding violations etc. Then should not EMPLOYERS be issued citations twenty-four seven for breaking the law—instead of sending American workers to the unemployment lines and increasing our taxes due to the hiring of illegal aliens?
j. What is your stand on Georgia’s disgraceful “At will Employment law” wherein companies can fire workers for good cause, bad cause, or for no cause at all without having to give Georgia WORKERS a reason for their wrongful terminations? Do you agree with this law, and if not what are you doing to remove it from the books?
k. Finally, if motorists are charged $105.00 for one brake light being out by law enforcement? Then why cannot this same amount of force be dispersed so Americans can have a job to take care of their family and love ones? Instead of employers hiring illegal aliens during these hard economic times?
It is my desire to see our elected officials respond publicly to this Letter to the Editor so all minds and hearts of concerned citizens will be soothed, especially those who are unemployed and have exhausted all unemployment compensations or about to loose their homes---due to a lack of community jobs.
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
Valdosta, Georgia
Cc: Georgia Department of Labor
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Valdosta Mayor Fretti and City Council Members arrested fifteen citizens at Monthly Meeting. who were they?
Did you hear about the fifteen local citizens arrested in Valdosta, Georgia for addressing Mayor John Fretti, and other elected officials on May 5, 2005?
If not, it may be because our local media is doing what it does best. Helping to keep the general public deaf, dumb, and blind so they will be unable to make intelligent decisions based on what is happening in their local community. How sad?
Clink the link below: Then ask yourself why would our local television stations and newspapers fail to report these individuals name to the general public except in the Valdosta Crime Report following their unnecessary arrest?
We had better wake up to the new reality in Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. Moreover, we had better check the history of Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia for a better understanding of their historical past.
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
How many of these citizens were taken to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail for exercising their constitutional rights under our form of government?
-At 7:06 p.m. Thursday, police arrested
Catherine Touchton, 45;
Floyd Rose, 66;
Willie J. Roberson, 54;
Jesse Clark, 64;
Calle Fielden, 21;
Reggie Griffin, 21,
Catherine Harris, 63;
Willie M. Head, 51;
Joann Y. Mosely, 57;
George B. Rhynes, 53;
Mary T. Sherman, 67;
Freddie Richardson, 58;
Tony Daniels, 43,
all of Valdosta:
And Faye Chachere, 44,
Karren Camion, 43,
both of Hahira, at the 200 block of East Central Avenue on charges of disrupting a public meeting, reports said.
*But these citizens were never interviewed by local media to hear their side of the story. How sad under our form of government. We must ask if local media is in the pockets of certain individuals and does not wish to keep the general public properly informed on events in their community. How sad?
If not, it may be because our local media is doing what it does best. Helping to keep the general public deaf, dumb, and blind so they will be unable to make intelligent decisions based on what is happening in their local community. How sad?
Clink the link below: Then ask yourself why would our local television stations and newspapers fail to report these individuals name to the general public except in the Valdosta Crime Report following their unnecessary arrest?
We had better wake up to the new reality in Valdosta, and Lowndes County Georgia. Moreover, we had better check the history of Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia for a better understanding of their historical past.
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
How many of these citizens were taken to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Jail for exercising their constitutional rights under our form of government?
-At 7:06 p.m. Thursday, police arrested
Catherine Touchton, 45;
Floyd Rose, 66;
Willie J. Roberson, 54;
Jesse Clark, 64;
Calle Fielden, 21;
Reggie Griffin, 21,
Catherine Harris, 63;
Willie M. Head, 51;
Joann Y. Mosely, 57;
George B. Rhynes, 53;
Mary T. Sherman, 67;
Freddie Richardson, 58;
Tony Daniels, 43,
all of Valdosta:
And Faye Chachere, 44,
Karren Camion, 43,
both of Hahira, at the 200 block of East Central Avenue on charges of disrupting a public meeting, reports said.
*But these citizens were never interviewed by local media to hear their side of the story. How sad under our form of government. We must ask if local media is in the pockets of certain individuals and does not wish to keep the general public properly informed on events in their community. How sad?
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